The State Council Correspondence and Associated Papers Relating to the Mothercraft Home is a file created by the Child Health Association, previously known as the Child Welfare Association. The file relates to proposals to move the Mothercraft Home during the 1980s. It contains information about the history of the Home. Access Conditions Open
The Mothercraft Home opened in New Town in 1925. The Child Welfare Association ran it until 1947 when the government took it over. Its main purpose was to give breast feeding advice to mothers but it also provided accommodation for children. In 1982, the Home moved to South Hobart. It closed around 1988. The Mothercraft…
Kennerley Children’s Homes Records date from 1869. The records include nominal rolls, photographs, annual reports, and personal files. However, this is a small remnant of the original collection. Kennerley Boys’ Home (now Kennerley Children’s Home) sold their site in Lansdowne Crescent in 1969. About that time, most of the records were destroyed by a fire…
Orana Retarded Children’s Home, run by the Northern Branch of the Retarded Children’s Welfare Association, opened in Newnham in 1968. It accommodated country children with intellectual disabilities, aged between 6 and 16, so that they could attend special schools in Launceston. State wards with intellectual disabilities also lived at the Home. Orana closed around 1990….
The Personal Papers Of Ethel M. Young, O A M, a non-state archival series, includes information about the Sunshine Home for Crippled Children. The papers are on loan from the donor. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible by the public. For access to these records please contact Tasmanian Archives. Records The two items…
Ministerial Files – Unregistered is an archival series created by the Office of the Minister for Community Welfare and Child and Elderly Care between 1982 and 1985. The series contains a range of archival records relating to issues such as children’s welfare, disability services, and aged care. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible…
Glenhaven Family Care, run by the Christian Brethren, replaced Glenhaven Children’s Homes in about 1988. It is located in Ulverstone and Launceston. In 2018, Glenhaven provides emergency, respite, and long term accommodation for children and young people in north and north-west Tasmania. It also offers a support service to families. According to its website, in…
General Correspondence is an archival series. It relates to the administration of the Public Service Board and the Tasmanian Public Service. It contains items relating to children’s homes. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible by the public. For access to these records please contact Tasmanian Archives. Records The following items within this series…
The Correspondence and Associated Papers Relating to Building for Government Departments Arranged Alphabetically by Department is an archival series held by the Tasmanian Archives. It contains several items that relate to buildings that were children’s homes. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible by the public. For access to these records please contact Tasmanian…
Cerebral Palsy Tasmania replaced the Cerebral Palsy Association of Tasmania in December 2000. Its purpose was to provide support and assistance to people who were affected by cerebral palsy. In 2013, Cerebral Palsy Tasmania merged with UnitingCare Tasmania but retained its own name. It appears that when UnitingCare Tasmania became Uniting Victoria & Tasmania in…