
Independent Living Unit

The Independent Living Unit, run by the Tasmanian government, opened in about 1983. It was a part of the Northern Regional Resource Unit in Launceston. Wards of state learned independent living skills through a residential six month course at the Independent Living Unit which could also take emergency placements. It closed around 1990.

Haldon Family Group Home

Haldon Family Group Home, run by the government, opened in about 1987. It was in northern Tasmania. The Home provided temporary accommodation to children who were wards of state or supervised in other ways by the Department of Community Welfare and its successors. Haldon closed around 2000. A married woman managed Haldon Family Group Home…

Sight Saving School

The Sight Saving School opened in March 1940 on the grounds of the Elizabeth Street Practicing School. Its purpose was to prevent children with partial sight from losing it and to teach them Braille. The school closed around 1991. The Sight Saving School evolved out of the school for children who were blind at the…

Records of Tascare Society for Children/ Tasmanian Society for the Care of Crippled Children

The records of Tascare Society for Children, formerly the Tasmanian Society for the Care of Crippled Children, are held by Archives Tasmania. They were transferred to Archives Tasmania with the closure of Tascare in late 2019. They include minutes of meetings, newspaper clippings, memorabilia, correspondence, administrative records, photographs of events held by the society in…

Aspect House

Aspect House, run by Colony 47, opened in New Town in January 1981. It provided respite accommodation for children with physical and intellectual disabilities. Aspect House closed in November 1981. A group of parents of children with disabilities and their supporters established Aspect House. It opened on 14 January 1981 in Warragul Avenue, New Town….

Hobart Women’s Shelter

Hobart Women’s Shelter, run by a feminist collective, opened in about 1972. It provided temporary accommodation for women and their children escaping from domestic violence. The workers also advised homeless young women under 18 but it is not clear whether they gave them accommodation. In 2013, the Shelter is still operating. Prior to the establishment…

Case Files, Tasmanian Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb; Tasmanian Deaf Society

The Case Files from the Tasmanian Institute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb relate to deaf children who were born between 1914 and the 1960s. The files contain ‘Applications for Admission of a child to Residence at the Institute’ and they concern children in residential care at the Blind, Deaf and Dumb Institution (also known…

Annie Kenney Young Women’s Refuge

Annie Kenney Young Women’s Refuge opened in Hobart in 1978. It was a feminist initiative that provided emergency accommodation and support to young homeless women, many of whom were under 18. In 2009, the collective running the Refuge disbanded and the funding was returned to the Tasmanian Government for reallocation. Annie Kenney was established after…

Clarendon Children’s Home Inc.

Clarendon Children’s Home Inc, established in 2006, is a successor organisation to Clarendon Children’s Home and is managed by a governing Board. In 2014, it uses funds from the sale of the Home for grants to agencies that carry out early intervention work with children and their families. Clarendon Children holds the records of Clarendon…

Apology to People Hurt by Past Forced Adoption Practices, Parliament of Tasmania

The Apology to People Hurt by Past Forced Adoption Practices was moved in the Tasmanian House of Assembly on Thursday, 18 October 2012 by the Labor Premier, Lara Giddings. The 2012 report on the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee’s Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices prompted the Apology. A number of other…