
Chief Secretary’s Department, Colony of Tasmania

The Chief Secretary’s Department was established in 1882. It coordinated the administrative business of the Tasmanian government. Between 1896 and 1901, the Neglected Children’s Department was a part of the Chief Secretary’s Department. In 1901, following Australian federation, Tasmania became a state and the new state government took over the Chief Secretary’s Department. The Under-Secretary…

General Correspondence, Chief Secretary’s Department

The General Correspondence of the Chief Secretary’s Department contains the correspondence of the Chief Secretary’s Department, later the Chief Secretary Department and Premier’s Office, between 1897 and 1946. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible by the public. For access to these records please contact Tasmanian Archives. Records Between 1896 and 1923-24, there was…

General Correspondence-21-38, Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the State Farm and School for Boys, Deloraine

General Correspondence – 21-38 contains the Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the State Farm and School for Boys, Deloraine, dated 1925. The General Correspondence – 21-38 is an item within the Chief Secretary’s Correspondence series. Access Conditions Open

Committee of Inquiry into the State Farm and School for Boys, Deloraine, Tasmania

The Committee of Inquiry into the State Farm and School for Boys, Deloraine, also known as the Boys’ Training School, was held in 1925. Its recommendations included the classification of the boys and the appointment of a Matron. The government appointed the Committee of Inquiry in 1925. Its members were, Charles Seager, Secretary of the…

Investigation into Ashley Home for Boys, Public Service Commissioner, Tasmania

The Public Service Commissioner’s Investigation into Ashley Home for Boys began on 16 October 1951. The government had established it to investigate allegations against Ashley made by its former recreation officer. The Public Service Commissioner reported on 30 October 1951. Following the recommendation of the Inquiry into the Control and Management of Ashley Boys Home…

Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile delinquency was a term used to describe the behaviour of children and young people who are committing criminal offences, or thought likely to commit offences, at a young age. This behavior could include vandalism, truancy, stealing, fighting, running away from home or being sexually active. Many children in institutions were labelled as delinquents, or…

Ashley Home for Boys Rebuilding Proposals, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works, Tasmania

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works met in October 1952. Its recommendations included a new building and better training of staff at Ashley, and that boys requiring discipline be sent to an institution in New South Wales. The Committee also discussed plans to purchase Wybra Hall. The members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on…

Community Hostels

Community Hostels originally ran Mara House.

Inquiry into the Control and Management of Ashley Boys’ Home, State of Tasmania

The Inquiry into the Control and Management of Ashley Boys Home began in 1951. The government initiated it after accusations that boys from Ashley did badly after their release. The Committee conducting the inquiry made an interim report in October 1951 and a final one in April 1953. The Inquiry addressed four main issues: The…

St Giles Society

The St Giles Society, in Newstead, replaced St Giles Home in about 1995. It provides services and support for children with disabilities so that they can remain with their families. In 2013, St Giles holds the records of St Giles Home.