The Overseas Children Scheme (Australian terminology), also known as the Children’s Overseas Reception Board Scheme (British terminology), was a program to evacuate children from Britain to various Commonwealth countries so that they could escape the German bombing during World War Two. A total of 577 children came to Australia as evacuees under this scheme. They…
Overseas Childrens Reception Committee – Correspondence Concerning Children Brought to Tasmania under the Auspices of the Overseas Childrens Reception Committee contains the case files of children brought from Britain during World War Two as child evacuees. The Social Services Department created the records. Access Conditions These records are open and accessible by the public. For…
Anglicare Tasmania began in 1977. It was originally called the Diocesan Social Welfare Committee, and was established in October 1977 by the Anglican Church of Tasmania Synod. From 1983 until 1988 the organisation was called the Anglican Family Care Service. In 1988 it officially changed its name to Anglicare. Anglicare Tasmania assists people who have…
The Criminal Code Act 1924 (Act No.69/1924) brought all the laws concerning criminal behaviour together into one piece of legislation. It contained a number of provisions that affected children. The preamble to the Criminal Code stated that it was: ‘an Act to declare, consolidate, and amend the criminal law, and to establish a code of…
The Public Schools Act 1868 set up a Board of Education to establish public schools and made education compulsory for children aged between seven and 12 years. It provided for the children of parents who could not pay school fees to be educated anyway. It was amended by the Public Schools Amendment Act 1873. Children…
The Status of Children Act 1974 provided that all children were equal before the law even if they had been born to a single mother. Its full title was An Act to remove the legal disabilities of children born out of wedlock, and to establish parenthood of certain children.
The Mothercraft Nurses Registration Act of 1947 provided for the registration of mothercraft nurses. It was repealed by the Nurses’ Registration Amendment Act 1983. According to the Act, mothercraft nurses could receive their qualification if they were healthy, of ‘good character’ and had undertaken a course in the care of young children.
M1283 [2] St John Bosco Boys Town contains correspondence between Boys’ Town and the Social Services Department. The topic of the correspondence includes the extension of the school buildings to make room for British migrant boys, some limited information about the boys who were at Boys’ Town before the migrants, Commonwealth and state payments towards…
M3846 Fairbridge Society of Tasmania mostly concerns the parent following scheme run by the Fairbridge Society. Under that scheme the children migrated to Tasmania first and their parents arrived later. The Tasmanian Government Tourism and Immigration Department created the records. Access Conditions Closed C50 years C50 means that, except to particular groups, these records are…
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