The Child Protection Amendment Act 1982 (Act No. 67/1982) had the full title ‘An Act to amend the Child Protection Act 1974 for the purpose of changing a reference to the title of the Director of Social Welfare to a reference to the Director for Community Welfare’.
The Child Protection Amendment Act 1986 (Act No.29/1986) had the full title ‘An Act to amend the Child Protection Act 1974’.
The Public Health Act (No. 2) 1918 had the full title ‘An Act to further amend “The Public Health Act, 1903”, and for other purposes’ (Act no. 9 Geo. V no. 36). This amendment appears to be in response to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic that claimed around 10,000 Australians by 1919. This legislation formally…
The Public Health Act 1929 also known by its full title ‘An Act to amend the Public Health Act 1903’ (Act no. 20 Geo. V N.39) made significant amendments to the Public Health Act 1903 (Act no. 3 Edw. VII No.37). These changes included alterations to the definition of dangerous infectious diseases, nightsoil, occupier, offal,…
The Public Health Act 1918 had the full title ‘An Act to further amend “The Public Health Act, 1903”, and for other purposes’ (Act no. 9 Geo. V no.9). This amendment includes regulations on the marriage of persons with Venereal Disease, pharmacists and the obligation of people with Venereal Diseases to undergo treatment or risk…
The Public Health Amendment Act 1917 also known by its full title ‘An Act to further amend “The Public Health Act, 1903”, and for other purposes’ (Act no. 8 Geo. V no.57) reflects the advances made in medical knowledge in the early twentieth century and provides increased authority to Health Officers. This legislation was repealed…
The Public Health Act 1917 also known by its full title ‘An Act to further amend “The Public Health Act, 1903”, and for other purposes’ (Act no. 7 Geo. V no.64) made significant changes to The Public Health Act 1903 (Act no. 3 Edw.VII No.37). In particular this amendment included an entire section titled ‘Venereal…
The Public Health Amendment Act 1909 also known by its full title ‘An Act to amend “The Public Health Act, 1903″‘ (Act no.9 Edw. VII no.28) redefined the term hospital and added more detail to regulations regarding evidence given by Analysts relating to allegations food or medicine was inappropriately sold or distributed. This may include…
The Public Health Amendment Act 1910 also known by its full title ‘An Act to amend “The Public Health Act, 1903″‘ (Act no. 1 Geo. V No.56) legislated for the recuperation of cost of treating persons admitted to hospitals for treatment of infectious diseases by local authorities as well as the removal of a person…
The Public Health Amendment Act 1908 also known by its full title ‘An Act to amend “The Public Health Act, 1903″‘ (Act no. 8 Edw. VII no.16) makes significant changes to The Public Health Act 1903 (Act no. 3 Edw VII. No.37). This amending act was repealed in 1935 by The Public Health Act 1935…