Anglicare WA was the new, legal name given to Anglican Health and Welfare Services in 2003. It is the lead agency of the Anglican Church’s welfare outreach, and provides and coordinates residential child care for children and young people.
The Anglican Diocese of Perth is part of the Western Australian Province of the Anglican Church of Australia. The Diocese of Perth has been involved in out of home ‘care’ since 1868. Its key agency, Anglicare continues to provide this service. The Anglican Diocese of Perth is part of the Western Australian Province of the…
Andrew House was created in 1983 when the government-run Walcott Centre in Mount Lawley was divided into two group Homes: Andrew House and Cawley House. In 1984, the Andrew House program moved to Warminda, in Welshpool. Andrew House was a government-run group Home, created when the Walcott Centre was divided into two separate Homes: Andrew…
Alvan House was established in 1950 by the Department of Native Affairs to provide metropolitan accommodation for Aboriginal schoolgirls in Mount Lawley. In 1959, responsibility for running Alvan House passed to the Baptist Union and Aboriginal ‘working boys’ rather than female students, were accommodated. In 1961, Katukutu Employment Hostel moved into the premises. Alvan House…
Allandale Cottage was established in 1962 by the Methodist Homes for Children in Sussex Street, Victoria Park. Allandale began as a boys’ cottage but the policy changed to admit girls and keep sibling groups together in a home-like setting. Allandale Cottage closed around 1985. Allandale Cottage, although situated close to Mofflyn Child and Family Care…
Alinjarra was one of the cottages in the Salvation Army’s Hollywood Children’s Village, in Nedlands. From 1986 to January 1991, Alinjarra Cottage provided short term and emergency care for boys and girls in a family-type setting with cottage parents.
The Alexandra Home for Women was the new name given in 1916 to the House of Mercy in Highgate, Perth. The Alexandra Home was run by a private committee of management and continued primarily as a maternity home for unmarried mothers, with some married women also admitted. By 1950, it was known as The Alexandra…
The Albany Group Home was a government-run facility established in Albany around 1978. It operated for an unknown period, with some possible closures and re-openings. In 1996, the Albany Group Home provided emergency, short term and medium term accommodation for school aged children. It had closed by 2013.
The Cape Barren Island Reserve Act 1945 had the full title ‘An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the Cape Barren Island Reserve’. It repealed the Cape Barren Island Reserve Act 1912 and imposed stricter conditions on those living on the Cape Barren Island Reserve. Residents now had to live continuously in…
Records relating to the Sight Saving School (also known as the Bruce Hamilton School) are held by the Tasmanian Archives. The collection includes admission registers, reports on students’ progress and photographs. Records The collection includes the following records: Admission register 1940-1960 Observation book 1940-1954 Photographs 1950-1980 Correspondence received 1956-1976 Journal, including some case histories 1957-1970…