
Moorgunyah Hostel

Moorgunyah Hostel, in Port Hedland, was established in 1967 as a government-run Aboriginal education and employment hostel for young people going to high school in Port Hedland. The number of students able to be accommodated at Moorgunyah changed from 52 (1971) to 30 (1995). It closed, possibly around 1996. Government reports (Signposts 2004, pp.357-359) show…


Mogumber was run by the Methodist Overseas Mission from 1951 on the site of the Moore River Native Settlement. Aboriginal children and young people of all ages were placed there by parents, child welfare authorities or the Children’s Court. In the 1970s, some children were moved from Mogumber to houses in Perth. In 1974, Mogumber…

Methodist Children’s Home

The Methodist Children’s Home opened in 1922 on a property in Sussex Street, East Victoria Park. It was the first child care institution that was run by the Methodist Homes for Children, which was part of the Methodist Church in Western Australia. Children of all ages who were placed by family or who were wards…

Miss Elphick’s Boarding House

Miss Elphick’s Boarding House was a privately-run boarding facility in metropolitan Perth that was described in a 1971 survey of Aboriginal education and employment hostels as occasionally accommodating young Aboriginal people, possibly from regional Western Australia, independently of government authorities.

Millington Street Bethel Home

Millington Street Bethel Home, Ardross, was established in 1962 in the private home of the founders of Bethel Inc, an independent mission society. From 1964, it was run by Bethel Inc for up to 12 Aboriginal students, male and female, going to high school in Perth. It had closed by 1982. The home of Don…

Millijiddie Station

Millijiddie Station, near Noonkanbah, was run by a local Aboriginal community. In 1981 the Department for Community Welfare sent male Aboriginal teenagers who had been convicted of offences to Millijiddie so that they could receive practical training and guidance. Millijiddie Station was one of a number of pastoral stations that the Department for Community Welfare…

Methodist Girls’ Home

The Methodist Girls’ Home was established in 1917 in North Perth by the Central Methodist Mission, for girls of working age. When it closed in 1924, the young women were transferred to the Salvation Army’s Seaforth ‘reformatory’ at Gosnells. The Methodist Girls’ Home opened on 27 October 1917. At the Annual Meeting of the ‘Perth…

Methodist Homes for Children

The Methodist Homes for Children was the name given to the Methodist Church agency that ran two Homes in Western Australia: the Methodist Children’s Home at Victoria Park (from 1922), and the Methodist Boys’ Home in the hills east of Perth at Werribee (from 1929). Over time, a number of cottages were opened on the…


Meribah provided residential care for six school age boys and girls in a home-like setting.

Meekatharra Hostel

Meekatharra Hostel was one of two government-run hostels in Meekatharra and was first known as Consols Road Hostel. It opened in 1983, for Aboriginal boys going to high school in the town. By 1995, Meekatharra Hostel was the only hostel and was fully focused on ‘care and protection’ admissions of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children of…