Redhill was established by the Anglican Church (Perth Diocese) in 1903 as a ‘senior reformatory school’ and ‘home for neglected boys’, beginning with six boys sent by a magistrate. In 1921 Redhill became a home for boys and youth up to 18 years with intellectual development disorders (described at the time as ‘mentally defective’). Redhill…
Rangevue Hostel was established by the Presbyterian Church in 1969 in Mount Lawley, as hostel for female Aboriginal students attending the Mt Lawley High School and business colleges in Perth. It operated until at least 1973, possibly closing by the end of that year. Rangevue Hostel was established by the Presbyterian Church in 1969, with…
Rangeview Juvenile Remand Centre, in Murdoch, was established in 1994 as a government-run detention facility for up to 80 male and female youth. By October 2012, the young people at Rangeview were transferred to the Banksia Hill Detention Centre. The Rangeview facility re-opened as the Wandoo Reintegration Centre for young adults in November 2012. Rangeview…
Pukulari Cottage, in the Kalgoorlie suburb of Boulder, was established in 1974 as part of the Kurrawang Mission run by the Christian Brethren. Its purpose was to provide accommodation for up to 12 children from Kurrawang to take part in community life as well as going to school in Kalgoorlie. In 1984 the Kurrawang Mission…
The Presbyterian Church was established in the Crown Colony of Western Australia in 1879. In 1901, it joined with other States to form the Presbyterian Church of Australia and in 1977 became part of the Uniting Church in Australia. The Presbyterian Church in WA was involved with missions, Children’s Homes and Homes for children and…
Port Hedland Group Home was established in 1977. It was government-run and provided emergency and short term accommodation for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children in Port Hedland. By 1979, another group home had been opened in South Hedland, giving child welfare authorities a choice of placements. The Port Hedland Group Home probably closed around 1983.
Pineview was the name given to the long stay Pineview Program for teenage girls within the government-run Nyandi Maximum Security unit in Bentley. A description of the Pineview program was given in the Department for Community Welfare’s annual report in 1984 (quoted in Signposts 2004, p.427): ‘the most difficult offenders referred to Nyandi take part…
Perth Girls’ Orphanage was established as the ‘Protestant Orphanage’ in 1868 with 8 children, including one boy. It operated in a building near the Causeway, for children of all denominations aged 2-14 years. Children who were not orphans were also admitted. The Home was run by the The Committee until 1889, the Orphanages’ Committee until…
The Parkerville Children’s Home continued the Waifs’ Home, Parkerville from 1909. It was run by the Community of the Sisters of the Church from 1909 to 1925 and from 1925 to 2005 by the Parkerville Children’s Home Incorporated. Over time, Parkerville developed a range of youth care and family services, including non-residential programs. In 2005…
The Pallottine Mission, Tardun, run by The Pallottines, opened a boarding school in 1948, before establishing a hostel in 1960 to accommodate boys and girls in dormitories who went to school at the mission. In the 1960s the hostel was completely rebuilt to provide cottage-style care with house parents. In 1995, the Pallottine Mission, Tardun…