The Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority (AAPA) operated from 16 June 1972 to 31 October 1994 as the key government organisation responsible for Aboriginal matters in Western Australia. Although it continued the Department of Native Welfare, the AAPA did not carry forward the responsibilities for the welfare of Aboriginal children. These functions had been transferred to…
The Aborigines Department operated from 1898, It was created by the Aborigines Act 1897 that abolished the Aborigines Protection Board.The Chief Protector was head of the Department. From 1908, the Aborigines Department was taken over by the Aborigines and Fisheries Department. The Aborigines Department was formed on 1 April 1898 as the key government organisation…
The Department of Native Affairs (DNA) operated from 1936, taking over the Aborigines Department. It was responsible for Aboriginal matters in Western Australia. The head of the Department, the Commisioner for Native Affairs, was the legal guardian of all Aboriginal children, as stipulated by the Aborigines Act 1905. The Department of Native Affairs was replaced…
The Department for Community Services (DCS) was the new name given on 1 January 1985 to the previous Department for Community Welfare. The DCS continued as the key government organisation responsible for child welfare in Western Australia until 1 October 1992, when it was replaced by the Department for Community Development.
The Department for Community Development was formed on 1 July 2001 as the key government organisation responsible for child welfare in Western Australia. It was the second version of a department with that name, with the earlier department operating from 1992 to 1995. The Department for Community Development ceased on 30 June 2007 and was…
The Western Australian Department for Family and Children’s Services existed between 1 July 1995 and 1 July 2001. The State Records Office website provides an overview of the Department: The Department for Family and Children’s Services was responsible for promoting and providing services that assisted families, individuals, groups and communities achieve their own well-being. Services…
The Department for Community Welfare was established in 1972, and was the key government organisation responsible for child welfare in Western Australia. It took over the Child Welfare Department and the responslbilities to Aboriginal children held by the Department of Native Welfare and Commissioner of Native Welfare. The Department for Community Welfare was replaced by…
The Child Welfare Department of Western Australia was responsible for the welfare of children in out of home care for much of the twentieth century. Known as the ‘CWD’ or ‘the welfare’, the department had an impact on the lives of many WA families. The CWD ran its own Children’s Homes, ‘placed’ children in other…
The Public Charities and State Children Department was established in 1908, following the passage of the State Children Act of 1907. This Act established the State Children’s Department which operated in conjunction with the Public Charities Department and was known as the Public Charities and State Children’s Department. Previously, child welfare had been the responsibility…
The Department for Community Development was formed on 1 October 1992, and was the key government organisation responsible for child welfare in Western Australia. It ceased on 1 July 1995 and was followed by the Department for Family and Children’s Services. There have been two ‘versions’ of the Department for Community Development in WA and…