The Country High School Hostels Authority governed the operations of education hostels throughout regional Western Australia. These were hostels set up for children in rural and regional areas, who boarded at the hostel to attend school. It was not uncommon for children who were state wards to be boarded in one of the Authority’s hostels….
The Country High School Hostels Authority Act 1960 (Act no. 1960/037 (9 Eliz. II No.37) commenced on 2 December 1960. The long title of the Act is ‘An Act to Provide for the Establishment of a Country High School Hostels Authority and for incidental and other purposes.’ This legislation established and governed the operations of…
Broome Residential College opened in 2008, to provide accommodation for young people going to high school in Broome. It was one of the Country High School Hostels Authority colleges. Broome Residential College was established by the Country High School Hostels Authority in 2008. The Redress WA schedule of ‘Facilities Operated Subject to the Country High…
The Chidley Educational Centre was established in 1976 by the Education Department of Western Australia in Mosman Park as a result of advocacy by the Isolated Country Parents’ Association. It was a short-term (six month) residential program for children from country areas who needed specialist learning support. In 1979, there were up to forty children…
The Redress WA scheme was established by the Government of Western Australia to acknowledge and apologise to adults who, as children, were abused and/or neglected while they were in the care of the state. It ran from 2008 to 31 December 2011. The Redress WA scheme ran from 2008 to 31 December 2011. When Redress…
Moola Bulla was established as a government-run station near Wyndham. It was established to be self-supporting, training Aboriginal families to farm the land with European methods. Children were removed from other locations and placed at Moola Bulla, or were sent from there to institutions in Perth. Moola Bulla closed in 1955. Moola Bulla Station was…
The State Records Office of Western Australia was established in 2001, following the passing of the State Records Act 2000. It is the key repository for government documents in Western Australia. The state archives collection includes records that might be of interest to people who were in out of home care as children. These records…
The Chief Protector of Aborigines was an official role first held in 1898. The Aborigines Act 1897 abolished the Aborigines Protection Board, and created both the Aborigines Department and its head, the Chief Protector. The role was given legal authority by the Aborigines Act 1905. The Chief Protector was the legal guardian of every Aboriginal…
The Aborigines Protection Board in the Crown Colony of Western Australia was established in 1887, as a result of the Aborigines Protection Act 1886. The Board was responsible for the welfare of all Aboriginal people. This included the care, custody and education of all Aboriginal children, and the power to apprentice any Aboriginal child. In…
Aboriginal Protection is a term that was commonly used in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to describe the policies and laws that regulated the lives of Aboriginal people. From the 1880s Aboriginal people in Western Australia, including children, were controlled by specific Protection Acts. From the 1930s, the central aim of these Acts was to…