
Aborigines Protection Board, Colony of Western Australia

The Aborigines Protection Board in the Colony of Western Australia continued the role of the Aboriginal Protection Board in the Crown Colony of Western Australia from 1890. The Board was responsible for the welfare of all Aboriginal people in Western Australia. This included the care, custody and education of all Aboriginal children, and the power…

St. Josephs Orphanage and St. Vincents Foundling Home, Leederville, Western Australia

This file in the National Archives of Australia contains reports to the Commonwealth Department of Immigration about children who had come as unaccompanied child migrants to Western Australia. Some children are named in the file, and there are general reports on educational and health conditions as well as correspondence about bringing Maltese child migrants to…

Child migration selection documents – Maltese children, form L.E.M. 3 (medical examination forms attached), lexicographical series, National Archives of Australia

The child migration selection documents for Maltese children were created by the Chief Migration Officer of Australia House in Rome under the Commonwealth Child Migration Scheme. Many of the records hold a lot of information about children from Malta (and their brothers and sisters if they were travelling together). However, some records unfortunately have less…

Child migration selection documents – British children, form L.E.M. 3 (medical examination forms attached), lexicographical series

The title of this series at the National Archives of Australia (‘child migrant selection documents)’ is a bit misleading, because these records don’t usually give any information about why a child was ‘selected’ to come to Australia, except for his/her general medical fitness. These documents were prepared by the child’s guardian before they left Britain…

Books of duplicate naturalization certificates, ‘EA’ [Children (special cases)] series

This series comprises 2 books of duplicate copies of Certificates of Naturalisation as Australian citizens for Children (special cases). Prior to 1949, people wishing to become naturalised in Australia were made British citizens. However, from 26 January 1949 (Australia Day), people who immigrated to Australia were able to apply for Australian citizenship. Children who arrived…

Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, State of Western Australia

The Metropolitan Cemeteries Board is a statutory authority of the Government of Western Australia. The Board is responsible for managing cemeteries at Fremantle, Guildford, Karrakatta, Midland, Pinnaroo and Rockingham. Their website holds a number of useful links and resources to help people discover their family history.

Sunday Island Mission

Sunday Island Mission was established in 1899 as a private mission by Sydney Hadley. It was run by the Australian Aborigines’ Mission (1923-1929) and the United Aborigines Mission from 1929 to 1934 when it relocated to Wotjulum (1934-1937) before returning to Sunday Island. From 1905, children at Sunday Island were under the guardianship of the…

Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance (Trappists)

The Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance, known widely as the ‘Trappists’, came to Beagle Bay in Western Australia in 1895 to establish a mission. The mission was transferred to the Pallottines by 1901.

Orfelin Ecole (Orphan School), Broome

The Orfelin Ecole, or ‘orphan school’ in Broome was established some time during or after 1895 by the parish priest, Trappist Father Nicholas Maria Emo, known as ‘Father Nicholas’. It ran for three years with a total of thirty seven students who most likely lived at the school. Father Nicholas gave testimony (in French) to…

Swan Native and Half Caste Mission

The Swan Native and Half-Caste Mission was run by the Anglican Church in Guildford (Middle Swan) from 1888 to 1920. It continued Bishop Hale’s Institution for Native and Half-Caste Children. Aboriginal boys and girls were accommodated at the mission, in separate ‘branches’. The boys’ branch included non-Aboriginal boys by 1899, possibly earlier. The mission closed…