This series contains 615 cards recording personal details about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living at Edward River, Mapoon, Mitchell River, and Normanton. The cards contain information including identification number, name, tribal name, protectorate, year and place of birth, parent’s names and “race”, spouses name and “race”, date and place of marriage, and whether…
This series contains correspondence between the Bamaga Aboriginal Community and the Government departments responsible for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs in Queensland regarding adoptions of children. It includes forms recording details of the child/children to be adopted, the applicants, and the child’s birth parents and grandparents. Some records include requests for extra information about…
This series consists of 114 case books information about patients at Brisbane Asylums and Mental Hospitals, including Woogaroo, Goodna, Brisbane, and Wolston Park Hospitals. The information recorded about patients includes biographical information such as name, sex, age on admission, occupation, address, religion, and place of birth. The case files also contain medical information, including type…
This series contains case files about children born out of wedlock or placed in ‘care’ under the Infant Life Protection Act (1905). The files include records such as notifications of the birth of a child, police reports on children not put up for adoption, rolls for Nursing Homes where children were placed, and, in the…
This series contains cards recording personal details of children living at Doomadgee Mission. The information on the cards includes child’s name, sex, date of birth, parent’s full names, and sometimes the date they entered the institution. If the child died whilst at Doomadgee this may also be recorded on the card. Access Conditions Access to…
This series contains 1231 identification cards which record personal details of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who lived at Doomadgee Mission. The cards contain information including person’s identification number, name, “race”, tribal name, date of birth, birthplace, parent’s names, name of spouse, date and place of marriage, and the person’s identifying features (e.g. marks…
This series contains 353 permit cards which record personal details of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults who lived at Doomadgee Mission. The cards contain information including the person’s name, file number, date and place of birth, sex, property they own, marital status, name of spouse, date and place of marriage, the community or district…
This series contains 197 cards which record personal details of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living at Mitchell River and Normanton. The purpose of the Social History Cards was to record details of applications or approvals for social security benefits. The cards often contain information about a person’s family and marital relationships, including information…
This series is an index of fathers of children who have been made State wards. The information in the index includes the father’s name, and the admission/file number for the child. Sometimes the child’s name and date of birth are also included in the entry. If the father was an Allied or US Serviceman, this…
This series consists of an index to children admitted to State care. The index includes information about children including their name, mother’s name, and admission/file number. On the reverse of the cards are brief notes regarding adoptions, transfers, legitimisations, deaths, discharges, and sometimes dates. This index is arranged by the surname of the child. Access…