
Client Files, Child Protection and Family Support [and its predecessors]

Client Files, Child Protection and Family Support [and its predecessors] is a series of records that include most of the key information collected on children during their contact with the Department. These client files date from 1921 to the present day, so they cover children who came into contact with the Child Welfare Department, the…

Children’s Court Register

The Children’s Court Register gives a record of the cases held in the Perth Children’s Court, which was set up as part of the State Children Act 1907. This legistation made the government child welfare departments responsible for keeping records about children who had appeared before the Courts. The register lists the names and other…

Bridgewater Admissions Register

The Bridgewater Admissions Registers are the admission registers of the Bridgewater Care and Assessment Centre. They are held by Child Protection and Family Support (CPFS). It was the practice of the Bridgewater Centre to record each child’s name when they were admitted to the Home, and the date when they left. Unfortunately, the admission registers…

Admission Registers of the Government Receiving Home [Walcott Street, Mt Lawley]

The Admission Registers of the Government Receiving Home [Walcott Street, Mt Lawley] are held by Child Protection and Family Support (CPFS). First known as Government Receiving Depot, the main purpose of this Home was to house (or ‘receive’) children for at least one or two nights before sending them to foster care or another children’s…

Government Receiving Depot

Government Receiving Depot (Subiaco 1907; West Perth 1916; Mount Lawley 1921) was the new name given in 1907 to the Government Industrial School and Receiving Depot. All children committed under the State Children Act 1907 were sent to the Government Receiving Depot before being boarded out, or placed in an ‘orphanage’ or industrial school (reformatory)….

Government Receiving Home

Government Receiving Home was the new name given in 1935 to the Government Receiving Depot in Mount Lawley, giving temporary accommodation to children awaiting placements with foster parents or institutions. In 1953 Government Receiving Home became the Child Welfare Reception Home. The Government Receiving Home, Mount Lawley, continued the Government Receiving Depot from 1935. It…

Child Welfare Reception Home

Child Welfare Reception Home was the new name given in 1953 to the Government Receiving Home in Mount Lawley. It gave temporary accommodation to children and young people who were: awaiting placement with foster parents or institutions; staying in Perth for medical or dental treatment; and referred from. Or awaiting appearances at, the Children’s Court….

Mt Lawley Reception Home

Mt Lawley Reception Home was the new name given in 1973 to the government-run Child Welfare Reception Home. It gave temporary accommodation to children and young people who were: awaiting placement with foster parents or institutions; staying in Perth for medical or dental treatment; and referred from, or awaiting appearances at, the Children’s Court. In…

Destitute Persons Relief Ordinance, Western Australia

The purpose of the Destitute Persons Relief Ordinance 1845 (9 Vict. No. 2) was to stop people avoiding their financial responsibilities towards their dependents (usually women and children), but it also had a mechanism to put children into the ‘care’ of others. Section XI of the Ordinance allowed children over the age of ten years…

Guardians to Child Immigrants Act, Western Australia

The Guardians to Child Immigrants Act 1842 (6 Vict. No.8) was to regulate the treatment of young people under the age of 21 (‘juvenile immigrants’) coming as unaccompanied migrants to be apprenticed in the Colony. A guardian would be appointed for all such people, and that guardian was expected to exercise control over ‘the moral,…