
Select Committee into Child Migration, Legislative Assembly, Parliament of Western Australia

The Select Committee into Child Migration was appointed in June 1996 by the Western Australian Legislative Assembly. It was established to investigate and report on child migration to Western Australia between the early 1900s and 1967. A major aim of the Select Committee was to inquire into and report on the action necessary to assist…

Sister Kate’s Child and Family Services records, 1934-2002 [manuscript], State Library of Western Australia

Sister Kate’s Child and Family Services records, 1934-2002 [manuscript] is a collection of records held in the Battye Library’s Private Archives Collection at the State Library of Western Australia. The collection contains a range of records, some which are restricted to protect people’s privacy. The items in this collection include personal and administration records and…

CBERSS: Christian Brothers Ex Residents and Students Services

‘CBERSS’ (Christian Brothers Ex-Residents and Students Services) was established in 1995. It was set up as an independent agency to advocate for and provide a range of services to people who had been in Christian Brothers’ institutions or schools as children and who had suffered in some way from that experience. Although originally set up…

Victims of Institutionalised Cruelty Exploitation and Supporters

Victims of Institutionalised Cruelty Exploitation and Supporters, commonly called, VOICES, was set up by Bruce Blyth in 1991 to bring abuses suffered in Christian Brothers institutions in Western Australia to the public’s attention and to advocate for a ‘judicial inquiry’. [From the National Library’s Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants oral history project] Victims of…

Bringing Them Home after the Apology oral history project [sound recording], National Library of Australia

‘Bringing Them Home after the Apology oral history project [sound recording]’ is a collection of interviews undertaken by the National Library of Australia. These interviews follow an earlier project that included oral histories from Indigenous people, missionaries, police and administrators who were ‘involved in or affected by’ the removal of Indigenous children from their families….

Kenwick Farm

Kenwick Farm was established in 1947 and was a farm property for senior boys from Sister Kate’s Children’s Home in Queen’s Park. It was located in Kenwick along the Canning River, not far from Sister Kate’s. Its stated purpose was to train boys in farm work for two years after they left school aged 14….

Memorial Cottage, Roleystone

Memorial Cottage was the name given to the Sister Kate’s Children’s Cottage home during its wartime evacuation to Roleystone in the Darling Ranges outside Perth. This cottage was purchased with funds donated from England in memory of Archdeacon Lefroy, hence the name ‘Memorial Cottage’. After a couple of years, the children and staff moved back…

Greenbushes Hostel

Greenbushes Hostel was the name given to the Sister Kate’s Children’s Cottage Home during its wartime evacuation to Greenbushes in southern Western Australia. Some children and staff relocated to the de-licensed Duke of York Hotel at Greenbushes on 29 February 1942. By 1944, some of the children and staff had returned to Queen’s Park but…


Mofflyn (or Mofflyn House) was the new name given in 1959 to the Methodist Children’s Home. It housed children in four cottages (Wesley, Guild, Dowerin and Meckering). In 1984, the Mofflyn campus was closed but the Uniting Church continued to be involved in out of home care through Mofflyn Child and Family Services. Mofflyn (which…

Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services

Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services took over the role of the former Uniting Church Child and Family Services in 1984. It was commonly known as ‘Mofflyn’ and was the principle residential child welfare agency of the Uniting Church in Western Australia. Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services was part of the merger of Uniting…