The Industrial and Reformatory Schools Act 1893(1893/005) amended the Industrial Schools Act 1874. It classified children (‘inmates’) into two types: those children deemed ‘neglected’ or in need of protection and those children who had been convicted of offences and were therefore ‘juvenile offenders’. The juvenile offenders were sentenced to a reformatory school and the other…
The Country High School Hostels Ex-Gratia Scheme was established in 2012, following the Special Inquiry into St Andrew’s Hostel, the Government of Western Australia established the ‘Country High School Hostels Ex Gratia Scheme’, administered by the Department for Communities: This Scheme has been established to provide ex gratia payments to eligible applicants who were subjected…
Files – Department of Aborigines and Fisheries contains both inward and outward correspondence of the Department, filed by subject. Subjects the files deal with include missions, children’s homes, institutions, the removal of children from families and communities, lock hospitals, movement and employment of Aboriginal people, requests for permission for marriage, contracts and permits, exemptions from…
Correspondence Files comprises the main file series for the Colonial Secretary’s Office/Chief Secretary’s Department for the post-1883 period. The correspondence files deal with all functions the office had oversight or control of. Records from the Colonial Secretary’s Office contain information about out of home care in Western Australia, as well as a range of other…
Administration and personal/welfare files of the South West District Office (also known as the Southern District office) of the Department of Native Affairs and the Department of Native Welfare. The files are concerned with education, health, housing, employment, welfare, missions and reserves. This series includes records relating to the East Perth Girls’ Home, Mogumber, and…
Run by The Salvation Army, the Boulder Rescue Home provided an alternative to gaol or an industrial school for girls and young women who were charged by the Police or Children’s Courts from 1904 to around 1914. Children charged with neglect, vulnerable young women and people committed for offences all seem to have been taken…
The Salvation Army Girls’ Home, Kalgoorlie ran from 1904 to at least 1924 and possibly to 1930. Non-aboriginal girls were also admitted in later years. Newspaper accounts suggest that the purpose of the Home was to train the girls for domestic service. When the Home closed, the girls were transferred to the Salvation Army Girls’…
The purpose of the The Salvation Army (Western Australia) Property Trust Act 1931 (034 of 1931 (22 Geo. V No. 34)) was to regulate the financial affairs of the Salvation Army in Western Australia. In the Preamble, the Act gives some historical information about the establishment of the Salvation Army in Britain and WA.
Files – Aborigines Department is an archival series which comprises records that were created by the Aborigines Department and its successor agencies – the Department of Native Welfare and the Department of Native Affairs – up until 1972 when welfare functions, and their associated files, were transferred to the newly created Department for Community Welfare….
The Victoria Hospital for Infectious Diseases began as ‘little more than a tent outpost’ in response to an outbreak of smallpox in 1893. It was located in the Perth suburb of Subiaco (later known as Shenton Park). Children with infectious diseases were regularly admitted during the early life of the hospital. In 1938, ‘after many…