
Department of Justice, State of Western Australia

The Department of Justice was created by changing the name of the Ministry of Justice on 1 July 2001. It retained the same functions. The Department was abolished on 1 February 2006, with its youth justice functions going to the Department of Corrective Services.

Ministry of Justice, State of Western Australia

The Ministry of Justice was established on 1 January 1993 by an amalgamation of the Corrective Services and Crown Law Departments, and the Youth Justice Bureau. Juvenile justice functions that had previously been under the Child Welfare Act 1947 came under the control of the Ministry of Justice when the Young Offenders Act 1994 came…

Young Offenders Act 1994, Western Australia

The Young Offenders Act 1994 (104 of 1994) repealed sections of the Child Welfare Act 1947 relating to ‘juvenile justice’ (that is, the treatment of children and young people under the age of 18 who were charged with offences). The Act reflected the organisational changes that saw the responsibilty for children in detention move from…

Freedom of Information Act 1992, Western Australia

The Freedom of Information Act 1992 (076 of 1992) outlines the way in which information held by government can be released. People who were in out of home care will often have to make an application under this Act so that they can get access to records. The Act has provisions for access to information…

Health Act Amendment Act 1918, Western Australia

The Health Act Amendment Act 1918 (9 Geo. V No. 7) was concerned with the spread of venereal disease and some amendments (section 242j) had an impact on young people in care. It was now compulsory for medical officers attached to industrial schools to examine residents who were suspected of having venereal disease (a power…

Acts Amendment (Sexual Offences) Act 1992, Western Australia

The Acts Amendment (Sexual Offences) Act 1992 (014 of 1992) updated the Criminal Code to include or redefine a number of sexual offences against children and young people, and to adults who were ‘incapable’ of giving consent because of mental or intellectual disability. The Acts Amendment (Sexual Offences) Act 1992 made it illegal to show…

Acts Amendment (Evidence of Children and Others) Act 1992, Western Australia

The Acts Amendment (Evidence of Children and Others) Act 1992 (036 of 1992) helped make the evidence of children more ‘credible’ or ‘believable’. It enabled unsworn evidence to be given by a child under 12 years of age, and removed the Judge’s need to ‘warn’ a jury that a child’s evidence might be unreliable. The…

Collection of material relating to Mentally Incurable Children’s Association, State Library of Western Australia

Collection of material relating to Mentally Incurable Children’s Association, State Library of Western Australia (1978 – 1980s) is a small collection of brochures and promotional material about the organisation that ran Nulsen Haven. This information is held in the State Library of Western Australia’s JS Battye Library of West Australian History Collection. The State Library…

Nulsen Haven

Nulsen Haven was a home for children with intellectual disabilities. It was run by the Mentally Incurable Children’s Association (MICA) in the Perth suburb of Redcliffe from 1956. In May 1975 a new dormitory was opened at Nulsen Haven. In 1986, MICA became the Nulsen Haven Association Inc (known as ‘Nulsen’). By 1992, the Home…

Mentally Incurable Children’s Association

The Mentally Incurable Children’s Association (MICA) was formed in 1954 to develop appropriate respite and longer term accommodation for children with severe intellectual disabilities. In 1956, with the support of then Minister for Health, Emil Nulsen, a Home which was called ‘Nulsen Haven’ opened in Redcliffe. MICA later changed to its present name, Nulsen Haven…