
Council Presbyterian Children’s Homes

The Council Presbyterian Children’s Homes was the name given to the committee that ran two Homes on behalf of the Presbyterian Church in Western Australia: Burnbrae (1938-1957) at Byford, and Benmore (1947-1963) at Middle Swan (Caversham).

Salvation Army, Nedlands Library Local Studies Collection, Nedlands Library

The Salvation Army, Nedlands Library Local Studies Collection is a small collection of photographs, oral histories, books and other memorabilia relating to the Salvation Army, the Salvation Army Boy’s Home and the Hollywood Children’s Village. Some of these can be found through the online catalogue, but there are other items that can be seen by…

Nedlands Library

The Nedlands Library has a local studies collection that includes information about the Salvation Army and children’s homes in the area.

Mental Treatment Act 1927, Western Australia

The Mental Treatment Act 1927 (18 Geo. V No. 13) allowed people in the general population with ‘mental disorders’ to be admitted to mental health institutions without the stigma of being certified as insane, but to be subsequently sent to a hospital for the insane involuntarily if they had not ‘recovered’ within six months. The…

Mental Treatment Act 1917, Western Australia

The Mental Treatment Act 1917 (7 Geo. V No. 29) allowed people returning from World War I service with ‘mental disorders’ to be admitted to mental health institutions without the stigma of being certified as insane. It would have been possible for returning service personnel under 21 years of age to be admitted under this…

Mount Henry Hospital [Youth disability accommodation]

Mount Henry Hospital in the Perth suburb of Manning was used as a residential facility to accommodate young people with disabilities in a nursing home environment in 1997. The government-run hospital closed in mid-1998.


Pyrton was a government-run Home for children diagnosed with profound intellectual disabilities. It opened in 1966 in Eden Hill (Lockridge) with children transferred from Claremont Hospital. Pyrton provided long-term accommodation and short-term respite ‘care’. From 1973, young people could be employed in an onsite Training Centre. No children were admitted to Pyrton after the 1980s….

Investigation into the Administration of the Child Welfare Department, State of Western Australia

‘Investigation into the Administration of the Child Welfare Department of Western Australia by RH Hicks’ was a review of child welfare facilities and administrative structures that was commissioned by the Premier of Western Australia in 1953. Subsequently, the Child Welfare Department was restructured, the Seaforth Salvation Army Boys’ Reformatory was closed and a new boys’…

Children and Young People in Care Advisory Committee

The Children and Young People in Care Advisory Committee was established by the Department for Community Development to provide independent advice to the Director-General on issues relating to children and young people in ‘care’, likely to enter care, and leaving care.

Care for Children Advisory Committee

The Care for Children Advisory Committee was established in 1999 to provide advice on matters relating to the out of home ‘care’ sector to the departments responsible for child welfare in Western Australia. The committee ceased operating in February 2002.