Sisters of St John of God, Kimberley, Records is a collection of memorabilia, documents, audio-visual items and 34,000 photographs. These are kept, and some are on display in the Heritage Centre in Broome, Western Australia. Access Conditions Some items in this collection are open for public access, while others have restricted access. For access to…
Please contact The Chief Executive, Parkerville Children and Youth Care (Inc): Postal address: Beacon Road, Parkerville WA 6081 Phone: (08) 9235 7000 Email: Website:
Parkerville Children’s Home, Records is a collection of admission and discharge registers dating from approximately 1903 (some years are missing); case files from the early 1970s, and a very large collection of photographs which have been digitised. There are records for: Belmont Cottage, Fremantle Cottage, Jenny House, and Parkerville Children’s Home. Access Conditions Access to…
Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Photographs, Western Australia is a very large collection of photographs of people and Homes run by the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board (1942-2009). These records are now held by Global Mission Partners. There may be photographs from: Bamburra Hostel, Carnarvon Hostel, Carnarvon Mission, Fairhaven Hostel, Norseman…
Please contact the Executive Director, Global Mission Partners: Postal Address: PO Box 341, Torrensville Plaza SA 5031 Phone: (08) 8352 3466 Email: Website:
Pallotines, Records is a collection of records held by the Archives of the Pallottine Fathers and Brothers – Australian Region. The collection has not been described in detail but there are relevant records for the Pallottine Mission Centre, Riverton and Rossmoyne and the Pallottine Mission, Tardun. Access Conditions Please contact the Pallottine Archivist to access…
Yanay Yenma was the Aboriginal body that ran the Boomerang Youth Hostel, Geraldton from at least 1999 (possibly 1997) until 2009. In 2009, it passed the hostel management to the Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation.
The Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation is the organisation that ran the Boomerang Youth Hostel after it was transferred from the Yanay Yanma Aboriginal Corporation in 2010.
The Boomerang Youth Hostel, Geraldton began in 1979 as accommodation for Aboriginal youth attending the Geraldton Technical School. By 2005, the hostel accommodated up to 20 Aboriginal youth on a short-term basis. The youth hostel closed in 2011 and reopened in 2012 for people of all ages. The Boomerang Youth Hostel was called the Aboriginal…
The Aboriginal Boomerang Council Inc was established on 30 August 1977. From 1979, for an unknown period, the Council ran the Aboriginal Boomerang Council Youth Hostel in Geraldton. The Council was deregistered on 17 February 1997 and the whereabouts of records is unknown.