Karingal, in Melville, was established in 1966 to accommodate up to 10 high school girls who were wards of the State. It was staffed by the Churches of Christ Christian Welfare Centre under a formal agreement with the Child Welfare Department. Its original purpose was to provide a Home for young people who had been…
A Select Committee of the Legislative Council appointed to consider and report upon the Bill to promote the efficiency of certain charitable institutions was established in the Colony of Western Australia on 7 July 1874. Its task was to ‘inquire into the provisions’ of the proposed Act. The report of the Select Committee was tabled…
Parkerville Children and Youth Care (Inc) was established as a legal entity in 2005. Previously it was known as Parkerville Children’s Home Incorporated. It is the organisation that has inherited the history, records and ongoing operations of the Parkerville Children’s Home. In 2014, it also provided out of home care in metropolitan and regional Western…
Churches of Christ: collection of ephemera material includes information from the Churches of Christ Christian Welfare Centre (CCCWC). The material in the collection covers the period from around 1904 to around 2004. There are records relating to programs for young homeless people in the collection. Access Conditions This collection is open access. Please contact the…
The Department of Education and Training (DET) was created in 2003 by merging the Department of Education and the Department of Training. Through the schools that it runs, the DET has an influence on, and creates records relevant to, children in out of home care in Western Australia.
Darlington House continued the group home known as Darlington Cottage (1977-1983), a government-run residential group home for boys released from Hillston. In 1994, it housed children aged 8-12 years for periods from two weeks to one year. In 2014, it remained open as a residential group home. After Hillston closed in 1983, Darlington House became…
The Collie Welfare Council was the independent management committee that ran the Koolingar-Mia Group Home in Collie from 1977 to around 1979. The Home was owned by child welfare authorities, but managed and staffed by the Collie Welfare Council.
The Communicare Records relate to the organisation’s work with families in the south eastern corridor of Perth. From 1988 to 1991, Communicare organised placements for children in home-based emergency foster care. Around 1991, Communicare transferred all relevant records regarding these placements to what was then the Department for Community Services. When Communicare ceased providing foster…
Kartanup was established in 1987 as an annexe of St Andrew’s Hostel, Katanning, and provided additional accommodation for school-age boarders who attended school in Katanning. Kartanup was under the authority of the Country High School Hostels Authority. It closed around 1990. Kartanup, an annexe of St Andrew’s Hostel, Katanning, provided boarding facilities for children going…
Please contact Albany Youth Support Association Inc: Postal address: Young House, 12 Young Street, Albany WA 6330 Phone: (08) 9842 2082 Email: admin@aysa.org.au Website: https://www.aysa.org.au/contact/