The Children’s Court of Western Australia, Records is a collection of records held by the Children’s Court of Western Australia. Records include transcripts of court proceedings, documents supplied to the court during hearings, and court orders. Access Conditions Children’s Court of Western Australia records are restricted to protect the privacy of individuals. Applications to access…
The YMCA Perth was established in 1908 as a community service organisation. From 1989 until 31 March 2014 it ran the emergency youth accommodation service, StreetsYde. The YMCA Perth holds the records of this StreetsYde program.
Mission Australia – Youth Accommodation and Support Service (YASS), Records is a collection of case files on young people who were accommodated by the YASS. The collection includes case notes, admission documents and consent forms. One year after the young person has left the service, the case files are deposited with an off-site archiving service….
Please contact Children’s Court of Western Australia. For access to records, please complete a ‘Request to Inspect or Obtain Copy of a Court Record’ form. Address: 160 Pier Street, Perth WA 6000 Phone: (08) 9218 0100 Email: Website :
Please contact the Manager of Homeless Services, TINOCA (Youth Futures WA): Postal address: 1/70 Davidson Terrace, Joondalup WA 6027 Phone: (08) 9300 2677 Email: Website:
TINOCA, Records is a collection of records held by Youth Futures WA Inc, which has been the name of TINOCA since 2010. The collection includes an admission book for all residents since 1988. Case files are also included in the collection, but are only held for five years after they are closed. Access Conditions Youth…
Ebenezer Home has some records dating possibly from the late 1980s or early 1990s, but these are held in storage and are not indexed or sorted. Access Conditions Records held by Ebenezer Home are restricted to protect people’s privacy. Some access to records may be possible but it would require a search of all exising…
Kununurra Waringarri Aboriginal Corporation has run the Waringarri Group Home in Kununurra since 1982.
Please contact the General Manager, Ebenezer Home: Postal address: 4 Penrith Place, Balga WA 6061 Phone: (08) 9440 1736 Email: Website:
Nazareth House, Geraldton, Records is a small collection of admission and discharge registers and other records such as news clippings and a punishment book. The records have been transferred from Geraldton to the Archives Department of the Sisters of Nazareth in Melbourne. Access Conditions Please contact the Sisters of Nazareth Archive Department for information about…