La Grange Bay Ration Depot was the new name given by the Chief Protector of Aborigines from 1950 to what had been known as the La Grange Bay Feeding Depot. From that time a more estblished camp was developed for over 100 Aboriginal people, including children. By 1951 a school for around 11 children had…
The La Grange Bay Feeding Depot was the new name used from 1918 by the Chief Protector of Aborigines for what had been known as the La Grange Bay Relief Station. By 1929, Aboriginal people were given rations ‘twice daily’ at the Depot, including a total of about 60 Aborignal children over the year. By…
La Grange Bay Feeding Depot was established by the Chief Protector of Aborigines in 1912. Aboriginal people had been receiving rations from the La Grange Bay telegraph station from around 1900, but from 1912 a paid government officer was appointed to distribute food, blankets, clothing, and medical treatment. The Aboriginal people visiting the station may…
The St Patrick’s Province of the Christian Brothers was established in 1953 covering the states of Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. The St Mary’s Province of the Christian Brothers was established at the same time with both Provinces previously being known as the Australasian Province of the Christian Brothers. The new Province was…
Edmund Rice Education Australia was established by the Christian Brothers in 2007. It is run by lay people and was created to separately govern and administrate the Christian Brother’s schools in Australia. Edmund Rice Education Australia were responsible for the Tardun Farm School in Western Australia from 2007 to 2009, and they made the offical…
Cottesloe House was a cottage home, established by the Salvation Army in Mount Lawley around 1973. Previously, the premises had been the Witnell House Girls’ Home (which was informally also called Cottesloe House). The Cottesloe House cottage home accommodated boys and girls, including siblings, until at least 1979. By 1979 there were ten children living…
Carlisle Group House was established by Anglicare WA in 1976. By 1983, it provided support and medium term accomodation for up to eight young people aged 16-20 years in a group house setting. It closed around 1994, and was replaced by Anglicare Youth House.
South Perth Hospital Maternity Records is a collection of medical records for maternity patients that includes records of the South Perth Community Centre Hospital Inc. Women who were sent there from the Ngal-a Mothercraft Home and Training Centre Inc (Ngala) between 1959 and 1980 may have maternity records at the hospital. Babies who were born…
Please contact the Health Information Manager, South Perth Hospital Inc: Postal Address: PO Box 726, Como WA 6952 Phone: (08) 9367 0222 Email: Website:
South Perth Hospital Inc was the new name given to the South Perth Community Centre Hospital Inc in 2003. South Perth Hospital Inc holds admission and birth records from 1956. The South Perth Hospital ‘Our History’ web page includes the ‘SPH Documentary’, a 9-minute video that gives some background to the development of the hospital…