
Child Migrants Oral History Project

The Child Migrants Oral History Project is an archival collection at the National Library of Australia. It comprises 10 interviews by Rob Willis with former child migrants who spent time in institutions in Western Australia and in New South Wales. Access Conditions Access conditions vary for different interviews. Some are available to be listened to…

Photographs relating to Florence Hummerston and her work [picture]

‘Photographs relating to Florence Hummerston and her work [picture]’ is a collection of twenty six photographs held by the State Library of Western Australia. Although most of these photographs are not yet available online, they may be in the future. Florence Hummerston was closely associated with Wanslea. Access Conditions Open Records This collection contains 26…

Child Protection and Family Support, State of Western Australia

Child Protection and Family Support is part of the Department of Communities, a department of the State Government of Western Australia created on 1 July 2017. Child Protection and Family Support provides the services that were previously delivered by the Department for Child Protection and Family Support. In 2018, Child Protection and Family Support ran…

Records of the Home of the Good Shepherd Industrial School for Girls, Leederville

The Records of the Home of the Good Shepherd Industrial School for Girls, Leederville is an archival collection held by the Good Shepherd Archives in Abbotsford, Victoria. Access Conditions Care leavers (and their families) wanting to find information about their time in care, or access personal files can contact Good Shepherd Archives. All requests for…

Kimberley Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation – Contact Details

Please contact the Kimberley Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation: Postal address: 28 Barker Street, Broome, Western Australia, 6725 Phone: 1800 830 338 (freecall) Email: Website:

Kimberley Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation Collection

Kimberley Stolen Generations Aboriginal Corporation Collection is composed of client files, mainly created through their Link Up Service, dating from 2001. In some cases, client files contain copies of historical archival material which were collected as part of family history research for members of the Stolen Generations and their descendants. Access Conditions Access to these…

Kimberley Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation

The Kimberley Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation was incorporated in 2001 in Broome, Western Australia. The corporation has carried out activities and projects that acknowledge the experiences of members of the Stolen Generations and help them come to terms with it. The KSGAC Link Up Service also helps Aboriginal people of the Stolen Generations to search…

Case Review Board

The Case Review Board was formed in 1988 to provide an avenue of redress to parents and relevant third parties who believed decisions made by the department responsible for child protection in Western Australia were not in the best interests of the child. The Board was set up as an advisory committee, making recommendations to…

Case Review Panel

The Case Review Panel was established on 1 March 2006 under the Children and Community Services Act 2004 to independently review departmental decisions about children in the care of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the department responsible for child protection in Western Australia. It replaced the Case Review Board. Parents and relevant others can…

Collier House

Collier House was the new name given to Longmore Hostel in 1985. It was run by the Department for Community Services in the grounds of the Longmore Training Centre as a short-term training hostel for up to six young people at one time.