The Chief Protector of Aborigines was made the legal guardian of every Aboriginal child under the provisions of the Northern Territory Aboriginals Act 1910 (SA). This position continued under Commonwealth legislation after the Northern Territory came under Commonwealth control in 1911.
The Protector of Aborigines was the government officer responsible for overseeing contact and relationships with Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory. While the Northern Territory was under South Australian control, Protectors reported to the responsible minister of the South Australian Government through the Government Resident of the Northern Territory. At times the Medical Officer for…
The Office of the Minister of Education and of the Northern Territory was the South Australian Minister’s office responsible for the administration of the Northern Territory from 1889 to 1892. This office was formed by the new Premier JA Cockburn after his election June 1889. The Government Resident continued to provide on the ground administration…
In 1978 the missionary work of the Australian Baptist Home Mission was taken over by the Australian Baptist Missionary Society. Around 2003 this ministry was renamed Global Interaction.
The Bringing Them Home Oral History project is a collection of interviews with members of the Stolen Generations – Aboriginal people affected by child removal policies. The project arose from the Commonwealth Government response to the recommendations of Bringing them Home, the report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait…
The Adoption of Children Ordinance 1935 (no 14/1935) provided for the legal adoption of children in the Northern Territory for the first time. It was repealed by the Adoption of Children Act 1949, which commenced on 7 November 1951.
Adoption is the legal transfer of guardianship of a child, relinquished by its natural parent(s), to another person. The first legislation to provide for legal adoption of children in the Northern Territory was the Adoption of Children Ordinance 1935 (Commonwealth). In 2019, adoption is governed by the Adoption Act 1994.
This series consists of two copies of a typed list of people, including many children, evacuated from Northern Territory locations in 1942 as a result of the impact of World War II. The list includes children from missions and other institutions across the Northern Territory, including Croker Island, Garden Point Mission, Groote Eylandt Mission, Milingimbi…
Anglicare NT was established in June 2002 when two larger entities Anglicare Central Australia (St Mary’s Family Services) and Anglicare Top End amalgamated. Anglicare is among the largest providers of government funded wefare, social justice and community development programs in the Northern Territory.
Records of the St Mary’s Home for Children is an archival collection held by Anglicare. It is an incomplete set of records for the St Mary’s Home for Children, dating back to 1957. Access Conditions Anglicare NT will provide any information it can to former residents and to third parties, where permission to release the…