
St Mary’s Child and Family Welfare Service

St Mary’s Child and Family Welfare Service was established as a local Central Australian based welfare agency of the Anglican Church in 1972. The name was later shortened to St Mary’s Family Services. This organisation ran St Mary’s Children’s Village and three other town based cottages in Alice Springs. In the 1980s the organisation became…

Matthews Cottage, St Mary’s

Matthews Cottage, St Mary’s opened in Alice Springs in 1973 as one of three town based family group homes. The others were Leslie Cottage and Heath Cottage. Run by St Mary’s Child and Family Welfare Service who also ran St Mary’s Children’s Village, Matthews Cottage provided cottage style accommodation for up to ten children under…

Leslie Cottage, St Mary’s

Leslie Cottage, St Mary’s opened in Alice Springs in 1973 as one of three town based family group homes. The others were Heath Cottage and Matthews Cottage. Run by St Mary’s Child and Family Welfare Service who also ran St Mary’s Children’s Village, Leslie Cottage provided cottage accommodation for between 8 and 10 children under…

Heath Cottage, St Mary’s

Heath Cottage, St Mary’s opened in Alice Springs in 1971 as one of three town based family group homes. The others were Leslie Cottage and Matthews Cottage. Run by St Mary’s Child and Family Welfare Service who also ran St Mary’s Children’s Village, Heath Cottage provided cottage style accommodation for up to ten children under…

St Mary’s Children’s Village

St Mary’s Children’s Village was the new name for St Mary’s Hostel in Alice Springs from 1972 when it came under the management of the Anglican organisation, St Mary’s Child and Family Welfare Service. The Village included three cottages – Pink Cottage, Grey Cottage and Blue Cottage. Each cottage accommodated up to six Aboriginal children…

Darwin Youth Refuge

The Darwin Youth Refuge, also known as Murkwood House, opened at Myilly Point in 1978. It was managed by the Young Women’s Christian Association, YWCA, with funding from the Northern Territory and Commonwealth governments. It provided short term emergency accommodation for up to 14 teenagers who were homeless or affected by family crises. The Refuge…

Umbakumba Mission

Umbakumba Mission was the new name given to the Umbakumba Settlement on Groote Eylandt when it was taken over by the Church Missionary Society in 1958. Many residents of the Settlement were temporarily moved to the Groote Eylandt Mission at Angurugu during the changeover. Dormitories for Aboriginal girls and boys were run at the Mission…

Letter books relating to children in care, Garden Point Mission

This series of Letter books consists of two sets of binders, referred to as books. Each book includes correspondence and other documents relating to children who were in care at the Garden Point Mission from 1941. These letter books are held by the archives of the Roman Catholic Church, Diocese of Darwin. Access Conditions Because…

Garden Point Baptismal Register

The Garden Point Baptismal Register consists of one large volume kept at the Garden Point Mission on Melville Island from 1940 to 2009. Many early entries include names of children in care at the Garden Point Mission. There are also entries for other children born on the Tiwi Islands, children from Northern Territory cattle stations…

Garden Point Admission Register

The Garden Point Admission Register consists of one volume kept by the Catholic Mission at Garden Point on Melville Island, between 1942 and 1967. The register records names and additional details about children admitted to the mission. Details include the date of admission, child’s name, names and backgrounds of parents, dates and places of birth,…