
Files – General [Health Department]

Files – General is a series of records created by the Central Board of Health, the Public Health Department, and the Health Department of Western Australia. It is the main series of files for these agencies, and includes records dealing with public health, sanitation, hospitals and medical institutions, correspondence with local boards of health, environmental…

Department of Communities, State Government of Western Australia

The Department of Communities was established on 1 June 2017. It performs the functions of several former government agencies, including the Department for Child Protection, Department of Housing, Disbability Services Commission, and the Department of Local Government and Communities. It includes the Child Protection and Family Support agency, through which it runs out-of-home care facilities…

Department of Communities, Freedom of Information – Contact Details

For access to records controlled by the Department of Communities and its predecessors, please contact the Department of Communities Freedom of Information Unit: Postal Address: Freedom of Information, Department of Communities, Locked Bag 5000, Fremantle WA 6959 Phone: (08) 6414 3344 Email: Website:

Administration Files – South West District Office [S.D. Sequence]

Administration Files – South West District Office [S.D. Sequence] is a series containing records created by the South West Division of the Department of Native Welfare and the Department of Native Affairs. The files are concerned with education, health, housing, employment, missions and reserves, and staffing. Gnowangerup, Narrogin, Collie, Katanning, Kojonup, Broomehill, Dumbleyung, Tambellup and…

CatholicCare Tasmania

CatholicCare Tasmania was formerly known as Centacare Tasmania. The name change was adopted on 1 July 2015 in order to more clearly identify the organisation with the Catholic Church. CatholicCare Tasmania continued Centacare Tasmania’s work as the primary social services agency of the Catholic Church in Tasmania. In 2022 CatholicCare Tasmania provided Therapeutic Residential Care…

St Patrick’s Province (Victoria and Tasmania), Christian Brothers

St Patrick’s Province (Victoria and Tasmania) of the Christian Brothers was established in 1967. That year, St Patrick’s Province of the Christian Brothers was split into two provinces: St Patrick’s (Victoria and Tasmania) and Holy Spirit Province of the Christian Brothers (which governed the states of South Australia and Western Australia). St Patrick’s Province (Victoria…

[Personal records of Prime Minister Hawke] Alternative employment, homeless children, kibbutz development

[Personal records of Prime Minister Hawke] Alternative employment, homeless children, kibbutz development is a file at the National Archives of Australia. There is a digital copy of the file available from the NAA website. The file contains information relating to the New South Wales Homeless Children’s Association. Prime Minister Hawke was a member of the…

Forest Farm Community

The Forest Farm Community was an initiative of the New South Wales Homeless Children’s Association. In 1981, the NSW Lands Department donated a 160 acre reserve of land to the Association. It was at Mangrove Mountain, near Gosford, on the central coast north of Sydney. The Association had ambitious plans for the Forest Farm Community…

Department of Justice, State of Western Australia

The Department of Justice was created out of the merger of the Department of Corrective Services and the Attorney-General’s Department. It assumed responsibilities for the functions previously undertaken by the Department of Corrective Services, including youth justice.

Case Files of the Child Welfare Division (North West Office)

The Case Files of the Child Welfare Division (North West Office) contain personal information about wards of state and other children that came under the supervision of the Children of the State Department and its successors between 1943 and 2002. Access Conditions Closed D75 years D75 means these records are closed to the general public…