This is an image of the Townsville orphanage and the Townsville National School. This image is undated, the date included is an estimate. CityLibraries Townsville published the image with the following note: “The photo is taken from cleveland Terrace, and looks over Eyre and Mitchell Streets.”
This is an image of St George’s Orphanage Homes in Parkhurst (Rockhampton). It was published in the Morning Bulletin on 11 September 1939 with the caption “St George’s Orphanage Homes, Parkhurst, on the occasion of the 22nd anniversay birthday yesterday.” The image shows the orphanage buildings with a large crowd of people in front. It…
This is an image of the St George’s Homes Mother’s Memorial Home, also known as Home No. 3. It was published in the Morning Bulletin on 7 May 1930 with the caption “Mother’s Memorial Home at Parkhurst (cost £2500). The Mother’s Memorial Home at Parkhurst, which is a unit of the St. George’s Orphanage scheme,…
This is an image of the Tufnell Toddler’s Home, Nundah, during its construction. It was published in The Telegraph on 20 March 1947. The caption reads “This imposing brick building nearing completion at Nundah is to be called the Toddler’s Home. The home, to be conducted by sisters of the Sacred Heart, is next to…
This is a copy of an image that appeared in a publication by Alison Cathleen Ball. It is captioned “Holmbush” Legacy Hostel, 1267 Burke Rd, KEW, Melbourne. Later called ‘Blamey House’. Alison lived here 1950 & 51. There were 10 girls and 20 boys from age 10 to 20 at that time. House demolished now”.
This is a copy of an image that appeared in a publication by Alison Cathleen Ball. It is captioned “‘Stanhope’ Legacy Hostel, 1245 Burke Rd, Kew. Demolished in 2007. Graeme Ball & Kerry Wisdom also lived here for some time. Alison Ball (nee Wisdom) lived here 1952-1956 incl”.
This is an image of the convent and chaplain’s quarters at St. Joseph’s Child Centre in Taroona. It was published in a section of Taroona 1808-1986: Farm Lands to a Garden Suburb titled “St. Joseph’s Family Support Centre”.
This is an image of the Allanville Home in Wellington, New South Wales. This photo is undated, the dates included are an estimate.
Thyis is an image showing the exterior and gardens of Heathcote Hospital in Applecross, Western Australia.