
Deaf and Dumb Institute

This is a sketch of “Leal House” on Commercial Road in Prahran. It shows a large two-storey stone house with gardens in front. Leal House housed the Victorian Deaf and Dumb Institute from 1864 to 1866, and the Victorian Asylum and School for the Blind from 1866 to 1868. No date was provided with this…

Photographs from the Lysterfield Boys’ Farm site

This document contains photographs of the site of the Lysterfield Boys’ Farm, also known as the Church of England Boys’ Society Training Farm, as well as signage at the site. The photographs of the site show a small section of wall and a domed-top well, which are all that remain of the farm house. The…

A Home For Danny

The film “A Home For Danny” was produced for the Tasmanian Department of Social Welfare in 1966. The aim of the film was to encourage people to become foster parents. The film shows the story of a young boy, “Danny”, who is a ward of the state living at Malmesbury Receiving Home in Hobart. It…

Blind Children Knitting, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Melbourne, Victoria, circa 1900s

This is an image taken at the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind in Melbourne. It shows approximately 13 children and young women seated around a table knitting. This image is part of the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind Collection at Museums Victoria.

Classroom, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Melbourne, circa 1900

This is an image of children in a classroom at the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Melbourne. It shows approximately 20 children seated at desks in a classroom There is a woman seated immediately in front of some of the children holding an open book in her lap, and a man standing at a…

Ministering Children’s League Convalescent Home at St Leonards. The Weekly Courier, September 1906

This is an image of the Ministering Children’s League Convalescent Home at St Leonards, Tasmania. It shows a small group of women and children standing on the verandah of the large two-storey home. Another person can be seen looking out of an upstairs window. This image was published in The Weekly Courier in September 1906,…

Photograph – Lindisfarne – Victoria Convalescent Home

This is an image of the Victoria Convalescent Home at Lindisfarne, Tasmania. It shows a large two-storey house with outbuildings surrounded by gardens, with bushland in the background. A woman can be seen on the upstairs verandah.

Final sitting: Commissioners and Dr Marie-Louise Ayers, the Director-General of the National Library with the Message to Australia book

This is an image of the six commissioners of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse with Dr Marie-Louise Ayers (centre), displaying the Message to Australia book. This image was published on the Royal Commission’s website.

Final Report

This is an image of the published Final Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. It shows all 17 volumes of the final report. This image was published on the Royal Commission’s website.

Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Institute Building, circa 1900

This image of the the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind shows a large, three-storey bluestone building with a central tower and two-storey wings on either side. In front of the building are gardens, lawns and trees. This image is part of the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind Collection at Museums Victoria.