This photograph was published in the Kildonan Children’s Home Annual Report, 1961. It shows the front of a brick cottage with double garage, with lawn and a low brick fence in front. The description published alongside the photograph reads “Family Group Home, Kangerong Road, Box Hill – an old home renovated – close to schools…
This photograph was published in the Kildonan Children’s Home Annual Report, 1961. It shows the front of a brick cottage with double garage, with lawn and a low brick fence in front. The description published alongside the photograph reads “Family Group Home, Elgar Rd., Surrey Hills – a new brick house close to Wattle Park.”
This photograph was published in the Kildonan Children’s Home Annual Report, 1961. It shows the front of a brick cottage, with a lawn and low brick fence in front. The description published alongside the photograph reads “Family Group Home, Main St., Blackburn – three bedrooms are being added, a 30ft. X 45 ft. garage gives…
This photograph was published in the Kildonan Children’s Home Annual Report, 1961. It shows the front of a large brick cottage, with lawn, trees, and a low brick fence in front. The description published alongside the photograph reads “Family Group Home, Lalwa St., Blackburn – a quiet tree-lined street.”
This photograph was published in the Kildonan Children’s Home Annual Report, 1961. It shows the front of a two-storey rendered brick house, with a front porch and front hedge. A woman is standing in front of the house. The description published alongside the photograph reads “Family Group Home, Finch St., Geln Iris – an old…
Looking across garden and paths towards facade of building, three storeys with gabled roof and attic windows, oriel window over entrance. Men on garden paths in foreground.
This is a copy of a photograph from State Library Victoria. It shows a sign on the fence of the Benevolent Asylum which reads: “Visiting Days Tuesdays and Fridays from noon until three o’clock”.
Photographic print of the Benevolent Asylum, North Melbourne. Shows 3-storey buildings with trees and shrubs in foreground. In centre of buildings is clock face between 2 small spires. People are seated on 2 benches and partially obscured by trees l.r.
This is a copy of a photograph in the collection of the National Archives of Australia’s Immigration Photographic Archive collection.
This is a copy of a photograph from the National Archives of Australia’s Immigration Photographic Archive collection. The caption is: New, ultra-modern home for Catholic migrant children from the UK is Nazareth Children’s Home, East Camberwell Vic. It is conducted by Sisters of Nazareth. Home can accommodate 150 children.