• Archival Series

Obstetric Medical Records, Mater Misericordiae Hospital

To access these records

Please contact Health Information Services, Royal North Shore Hospital:

Postal address: Level 2, Building 29, Reserve Road, St Leonards NSW 2065

Phone: (02) 9462 9777

Email: NSLHD-RNSHIS-MEDICOLEGAL@health.nsw.gov.au

Website: https://www.nslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/AboutUs/Pages/How-do-I-access-my-health-care-records.aspx

Records Location

These records are held by Royal North Shore Hospital (1885 - current).


The Obstetric Medical Records of the Mater Misericordiae Hospital give information about the birth mother and the baby, including biographical information such as name, date of birth and address of mother; father’s name, if known; baby’s birth details; and clinical information such as treatment given, etc. For the years 1952-1977, the mother and baby notes are kept in the same folder, while from 1977-82 they are kept as separate records. These records are now held by the Royal North Shore Hospital.

Access Conditions

Access to information relating to adoption cases is restricted to the adoptee and the birth parents. For access to these records please contact the Royal North Shore Hospital.


Whilst the records held include those for babies who were adopted, they are not indexed or filed separately. Many of the young women from Our Lady of Mercy Home, Waitara gave birth at the Mater Hospital. In these cases, their address is generally given as Our Lady of Mercy Home, Waitara.

Related records

The Mercy Family Centre holds records relating to Our Lady of Mercy Home, Waitara (formerly known as the Waitara Foundling Home, and now known as the Mercy Family Centre).

Quantity: 28360 records (approx)

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