Please contact Family Spirit Adoption Services:
Postal address: Suite 301, Level 3, 2-14 Meredith Street, Bankstown NSW, 2220
Phone: (02) 8709 9333
These records are held by Family Spirit (2018 - current).
Notifications of Discharge (incomplete) is an archival series relating to St Joseph’s Home, Croydon. It comprises carbon copy forms. They are declarations by the custodian to the Director of the Child Welfare Department that custody of the child is being relinquished. The forms record: the name of the child; the address of the custodian; to whom the child was discharged (e.g. parent) and their address; the relationship of the future custodian to the child; and the date of discharge.
For access to these records please contact Family Spirit. Physical access to the original records is not possible due to their fragility and the need to protect the privacy of others mentioned in the records.
These records were previously in the custody of the Archives of Mary MacKillop and the Sisters of St Joseph, in New South Wales. The records were subsequently transferred to CatholicCare Bankstown in 2012. In 2018, the records were held by Family Spirit.