Please contact The Administrator, Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth:
Postal address: PO Box 8142, Blacktown, NSW 2148
Phone: (02) 9626 9200
These records are held by Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth (1875 - current).
Notice of Reception, Discharge, Death or Admission to Hospital is an archival series which contains duplicates of notices relating to discharges of children from the Holy Family Children’s Home to someone or somewhere other than the parents, in accordance with regulations 47A(w) and 47B(g) of the Child Welfare Act 1939.
For access to these records please contact the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Access to information is generally restricted to the person to whom the information relates. People seeking access are required to provide proof of identity before information is released.
The forms include the following information: name of children’s depot/home/hostel/private foster home; child’s details (surname, Christian names, date of birth, sex); reception details (previous address, date admitted); discharge details (date, to whom discharged, address of person to whom discharged, relationship of that person to the child, whether child was discharged with view to adoption); death (date, place, cause, illness, medical practitioner); and admission to hospital (nature of illness, name of hospital, date of admission).
Quantity: 6 boxes in total (including other series)