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Murrumbeena Girls' Home


The Murrumbeena Girls’ Home was established by the Salvation Army in 1897. It accommodated around 40 girls and young women. The Home closed in 1912, with the remaining girls being sent to the newly opened William Booth Girls’ Home in Camberwell.

Murumbeena Girls’ Home was located on the corner of Dandenong Road and Belgrave Road, Murumbeena. According to the Salvation Army’s submission to the ‘Forgotten Australians’ inquiry, the Home closed in 1912.

Some scenes in the Salvation Army’s religious epic, Soldiers of the cross (1900) were shot at Murrumbeena Girls’ Home.

The War Cry in 1912 described the Home as ‘a beautiful old place … If environment helps to lift to higher things, then the Murrumbeena girls are much favoured.’

Some of the first residents of Murrumbeena Girls’ Home were transferred there from the Heidelberg Girl’s Home on its closure in trained in housework, needlework, shorthand, and also took part in bible classes and outdoor activities. According to the War Cry:

And so physically, mentally and spiritually there is a constant endeavour to equip the girls to fight the battle of life successfully. Some are today Salvation Army officers, others are engaged in office work. Quite a number are respectably married, and settled in homes of their own. Most of those in domestic service are giving satisfaction.

The circumstances of a number of these girls were such that one trembles to think what would have become of them but for the timely help of the Home.

Some have failed, sadly, but the seed sown will bear fruit, and the bread cast upon the waters return after many days

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  • 1897 - 1912

    The Murrumbeena Girls' Home was located on the corner of Dandenong Road and Belgrave Road, Murrumbeena, Victoria (Building Still standing)


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