Morialta Children’s Homes Incorporated was the new name given to the Morialta Protestant Children’s Home from 1972. The name referred to both the Children’s Home for younger children at Norton Summit and the Toorak Gardens Boys’ Hostel for older boys who were studying or working. Both were run by the same independent Board of Management. The Children’s Home closed in 1974 and the Toorak Gardens Boys’ Hostel closed shortly afterwards.
Morialta Children’s Homes Incorporated was the new name given to the Morialta Protestant Children’s Home in 1972. The new name acknowledged that the same independent Board of Management was in fact running two Homes – the Home at Norton Summit for younger children and a Hostel at Toorak Gardens for boys who had left the Children’s Home and were studying or working.
During the early 1970s non-government Homes for children came under the supervision of the Department for Community Welfare. As part of a general change in the philosophy of child care, the department encouraged non-government care providers to move away from larger congregate care institutions to smaller group care. During this same era, the Children’s Home was facing financial difficulties and in 1974 it was closed. The hostel at Toorak Gardens closed shortly afterwards. Morialta Children’s Homes Incorporated ceased to exist and in 1976 the organisation became the Morialta Trust, a benevolent organisation providing financial and other assistance to children and others in need.
1972 - c. 1974
Morialta Children's Homes Incorporated Boys' Hostel, previously known as Toorak Gardens Boys' Hostel, was situated at 15 Bolingbroke Grove, Toorak Gardens, South Australia (Building Still standing)
1972 - 1974
Morialta Children's Homes Incorporated was situated at Norton Summit Road, Norton Summit, South Australia, South Australia (Building Still standing)