The Mental Defectives Act 1935 (later: Mental Health Act 1935) (Act No. 2230/1935) was assented to on 5 December 1935 and commenced on 2 January 1936. Its full title was ‘An Act to consolidate certain Acts relating to the care and control of mentally defective persons and to the administration of their estates’. The Mental Health Act (1935-1977) was repealed by the Mental Health Act 1993, commencing on 10 March 1995.
The Act was renamed in 1958 to read ‘Mental Health Act 1935’ by the Mental Defectives Act Amendment Act 1958 (Act No.51/1958). In 1979 it was renamed again to ‘Mental Health (Supplementary Provisions) Act 1935’ by the Mental Health Act Amendment Act 1979 (Act No.21/1979).
The following amendments apply to this Act:
Act No.2293/1936, Act No.4/1939, Act No.31/1939, Act No.42/1941, Act No.14/1945, Act No.40/1950, Act No.53/1953, Act No.51/1958, Act No.35/1959, Act No.35/1960, Act No.32/1961, Act No.28/1962, Act No.29/1962, Act No.50/1963, Act No.30/1964, Act No.54/1965, Act No.67/1966, Act No.57/1967, Act No.66/1967, Act No.17/1969, Act No.78/1969, Act No.54/1974, Act No.24/1977, Act No.21/1979, Act No.38/1983
Alternative Names
Mental Health Act 1935