• Archival Item

Male Orphan School Roll book

To access these records

Please contact a Librarian at State Library of New South Wales:

Postal address: 1 Shakespeare Place, Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: (02) 9273 1414

Email: library@sl.nsw.gov.au

Website: https://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/research-and-collections/ask-librarian

Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: State Library of New South Wales Call Number: C 200; Record Identifier nQR2e6A1; Reference Code: 918530

Records Location


This Roll Book contains the names of children admitted to the Sydney Male Orphan School between 1819 and 1848. It contains information including the child’s name, age, admission date, date leaving the school, parent’s names, parent’s occupation, parent’s address, and other notes, e.g. why they were discharged and to whom. At the back of the book there is a list of children noting their physical attributes, such as eye and hair colour, height, teeth, nose, eyebrows and other remarks. There is also an inventory of things belonging to the Orphan School’s hospital on 9th December 1847.

Access Conditions

This book has been digitised and is available via the State Library of New South Wales website via the link on the right-hand side of this page. This book has also been transcribed. The transcription is available here: http://acms.sl.nsw.gov.au/_transcript/2012/D14546/a4656.htm?

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