• Legislation

Maintenance Act 1843, South Australia


The Maintenance Act (No. 11 of 6 Vic, 1843) was passed and commenced on 14 February 1842. Its full title was: An Act to provide for the maintenance and relief of deserted Wives and Children and other destitute persons and to make the property of Husbands and near Relatives to whose assistance they have a natural claim in certain circumstances available for their support. It was amended by Lunacy Act (Act No. 2 of 10 and 11 Vic, 1847), Orphans Act (Act No. 8 of 11 and 12 Vic, 1848) and Lunacy Act (Act No. 21 of 27 and 28 Vic, 1864). It was repealed by the Destitute Persons Relief Act 1866-7 on 11 January 1867.

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