• Archival Collection

Liverpool Asylum Records, State Archives NSW

To access these records

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Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: State Records Authority of New South Wales Series Numbers, NRS-4946; NRS-4948; NRS-4949; NRS-4950; NRS-4951; NRS-4952; NRS-4954; NRS-4957; NRS-4958; NRS-4959; NRS-4960; NRS-4961; RNCG-1670; RNCG-1671; RNCG-1673; RNCG-6918

Records Location


These are records created by the Liverpool Asylum for the Infirm and Destitute, later known as Liverpool State Hospital and Home, that are held by Museums of History NSW (State Archives). The records contain information about patients of the institution, and include registers of admissions and discharge/death, patient case files, medical records, staff report books and daily diaries.

Access Conditions

All records created by Liverpool Asylum/Liverpool Hospital and Home, including records containing patient information, are open to the public. Please contact Museums of History (State Archives) NSW for access to these records.


The following are a selection of records created by the Liverpool Asylum/Hospital and Home and held by Museums of History. Listed here are the titles and dates of records, their series/reference number (required when ordering records for viewing), and summaries of descriptions as published on the Museums of History State Archives catalogue. Some records in this list have only been partially processed by Museums of History and do not have descriptions available.

These records are known to contain information about patients at the institution. In addition to these records, Museums of History hold further administrative and operational records created by the institution that are less likely to contain personal information about patients. For a list of all records created by the institution please see the Liverpool Asylum/Hospital and Home Agency description on the Museums of History website.

  • Registers of admissions and discharges, 1859-1959. Reference Number: NRS-4946.
    These ten volumes record patients of the Liverpool Asylum/Hospital and Home from 1859 (when the institution was run by the Benevolent Society) to 1959. The information recorded in these registers include patient name, age on admission and discharge/death, date of admission and discharge/death, country of origin, religion, occupation, authority by which the person was admitted to the asylum, circumstances for discharge. There are gaps in the dates of the registers between 1863 and 1874, and between 1901 and 1949.
  • Registers of inmates, 1873-1913. Reference Number: NRS-4948.
    These 14 volumes record patients of the Liverpool Asylum/Hospital and Home from 1873 to 1913. The information recorded in these registers includes patient name, age, religion, dates of admission and discharge, person that admitted them, and how they were discharged. There is also a column for patient history, which includes information such as birthplace, marital status, occupation, number of previous admissions, a column recording patient conduct in the institution (usually left blank), and names and addresses of relatives if any. Although the earliest admission recorded in these registers was for 1873, the registers themselves seem have been created from 1889.
  • Registers of admissions to and discharges from hospital wards (hospital), 1864-1900. Reference Number NRS-4949.
    These three volumes are a record of patients treated in the hospital wards of the asylum. The information recorded in these registers include patient name, age, date of admission and discharge, disease, and result of patient’s treatment.
  • Registers of admissions to and discharges from hospital wards (administration), 1895-1902. Reference Number: NRS-4950.
    These two volumes are a record of patients treated in the hospital wards of the asylum. Although the register began in mid-1895, it contains entries for patients admitted as far back as 1884. Information recorded is similar to information recorded in the asylum admission and discharge registers. Both volumes contain indexes of patients listed.
  • Death Registers, 1948-1958. Reference Number: NRS-4957.
    These two volumes are a record of patients who died at the Liverpool State Hospital and Home. The information recorded in these registers include patient number, name, age, date and time of death, last fixed address, religion, nationality, date of admission to the institution, ward, and when buried.
  • Daily Diaries, 1859-1883. Reference Number: NRS-4954.
    These diaries generally act as a record of daily occurrences at the institution, however their use changes over time. The earliest diary includes information about admissions, discharges, deaths, deliveries of food and goods, clothing issued to patients, and other activities. The second volume also includes admission and discharge information, and contains brief notes on other activities such as visits by doctors and clergymen, quality of food deliveries, etc. The third diary is described as recording ‘only the essentials’.
  • Surgeon-Superintendent’s weekly reports, 1877-1906. Reference Number: NRS-4951.
    These seven volumes contain the Surgeon-Superintenden’ts summaries of admissions, discharges, and number of patients at the institution. The reports contain patient name, age, date of admission or discharge, total number of patients, and other remarks.
  • Medical Registers, 1893-1925. Reference Number: NRS-4952.
    The registers record medication prescribed or administered to patients. Information includes patient’s name, ward number, and treatment. There is a column to record disease, but this has not been filled out.
  • Day and Night Reports – Ward C, 1936. Reference Number: NRS-4959.
    These reports, written by the nurse in charge, contain information about the conditions of patients in Ward C, including treatments and medications given to them. Details are not recorded for each patient, only for those who required attention.
  • Operation book – C ward, 1939-1948. Reference Number: NRS-4960.
    This book records the following information for each patient operated on at the hospital: date, patient name, patient age, operation, anaesthetic, anaesthetist, operator, and additional remakrs.
  • Location registers, 1949-1959. Reference Number: NRS-4958.
    These seventeen registers show the location of each patient of the hospital and home on certain dates. They record patient name, age, admission number, date of admission, date of discharge, and date location checked.
  • Outpatients’ report books – C ward, 1951-1954. Reference Number: NRS-1961.
  • Liverpool State Hospital and Home Daily Diary, 1883-1893. Reference Number: RNCG-1671.
    These records have not yet been fully processed, and so no further description is available.
  • Liverpool State Hospital and Home Case papers, 1901-1905. Reference Number: RNCG-1670.
    These records have not yet been fully processed, and so no further description is available.
  • Liverpool State Hospital and Home Pension cards, c.1930-c.1950. Reference Number: RNCG-1673.
    These records have not yet been fully processed, and so no further description is available.
  • Records of Liverpool Asylum for the Infirm and Destitute/Liverpool State Hospital and Home, undated. Reference Number: RNCG-6918.
    These records have not yet been fully processed, and so no further description is available.

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