Please contact the Archivist, ISMAPNG Archives and Heritage – Sydney.
Postal Address: PO Box 284 Petersham, NSW 2049
NOTE: According to the ISMAPNG website, the Archives are currently closed to the public, with the exception of requests of medical or care leaver records. Their website states: “No external research requests or inquiries will be processed except those received from individuals requesting copies of their medical or care leaver records. Please be aware that a response may take some time.” The ISMAPNG Archives have confirmed they can process direct care leaver requests however cannot respond to any family history requests. The website notes they will reopen on 1 October 2025.
List of Names for Orphanage Endowment Claim is an archival series relating to St John’s Orphanage, Thurgoona. The information in this volume includes the following: name of child; date of admission; date and place of birth; father’s name; mother’s maiden name; and date of discharge.
For access to these records please contact the Archives and Heritage Centre of the Institute of Sisters if Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Information in these records is available to the individual to whom it relates, or a family member provided they can prove their relationship to the person. Information is not available to third parties about a person who is still alive.