Please contact Christopher Wade, Manager Uniting Heritage Service:
Postal address: Locked Bag 8, A’Beckett Street PO, Melbourne VIC 8006
Phone: 0402 969 621
These records are held by Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited (2017 - current).
Kilmany Family Care Family Group Home Records date from 1981 to 1996 and relate to the family group homes run by Kilmany Family Care. The collection includes client files, day books, address books, financial records, photographs.
Former residents (and their families) should contact the Uniting Heritage Service to find information, and access personal files. The Uniting Heritage Service is a free service that helps individuals access information about them or family members, as well as access appropriate support should they choose. Heritage Service staff prefer to release records to past residents or their family members in person, where possible, in order to give greater meaning and context to the information.
Kilmany Family Care Family Group Home Records is a collection of records related to the four family group homes run by Kilmany Family Care. Most of the records are client files from 1981-1996. Records in this collection have been catalogued, digitised and indexed by UnitingCare Gippsland as part of the Records Access Documentation Grants in 2017.
More specifically, the collection includes: