Please contact the AskUs service at the State Library of South Australia:
Postal Address: GPO Box 419, Adelaide SA 5001
Phone: (08) 7424 6300 or SA country callers 1800 182 013
These records are held by State Library of South Australia.
The JD Somerville Oral History Collection was established in 1987 as the central repository for unpublished oral history tapes and transcripts in South Australia. The collection is intended to provide an oral record of all aspects of the South Australian experience and particularly of those who are poorly represented in documentary records, such as low income earners, people of non-English speaking background, women, and country people. The collection also provides a representative sample of the various uses of oral history, such as academic, commissioned, local history, community arts, school and family history.
For access to these records please contact the State Library of South Australia. Researchers can have access to documents, photographs, recordings and transcripts held at the State Library of South Australia on presenting their Readers Ticket. Readers Tickets are available from the Library. Records, recordings and transcripts can only be used in the Somerville Reading Room and are not available for borrowing.
Access to some material at the State Library may require written permission from the person or organisation that deposited the records.