• Archival Collection

Institution Files, Queensland Government-run Institutions

To access these records

Please contact the Right to Information Unit, Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety

Postal address: RTI, Privacy, Records Management and Redress
Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety
Locked Bag 3405
Brisbane Qld 4001

Phone: 1800 809 078 (freecall)

Email: rti@cyjma.qld.gov.au

Website: https://www.dcssds.qld.gov.au/about-us/our-department/right-information


Institution Files are records that were kept by Queensland government-run institutions, including juvenile justice institutions, and were later transferred to the custody of the Departments responsible for child welfare. The publication Missing Pieces (2001) describes these Institution Files as including details about children in the institution, such as when they were admitted and when they left, as well as the reason for placement. In some cases detailed information about the child and his/her family is on the file. This can include information about health and family background, as well as educational reports and correspondence. Copies of many documents on the institution file are often included on the Family or Individual file. Missing Pieces did not identify clear date ranges for the records it lists. The date range given on this page is an estimate.

Access Conditions

Access to these records is restricted in order to protect personal privacy.

Former residents wishing to access records about their time in care can contact the Right to Information Unit, Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services.

People wishing to access information about another person, e.g. a family member, require the permission of that person to access records about them. This restriction remains in place even if the person named in the records has passed away.


These files were generally kept at the institution until after the child is discharged from care, when the file was transferred to the Department.

  • From

    c. 1871

  • To

    c. 2001

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