Quote this number to access your records: State Library of New South Wales - Manuscripts & Pictures Call Number, MLMSS 6091
These records are part of Benevolent Society of New South Wales Collection, 1813-1996 (1813 - 1996).
The Infants’ Hospital History Book is the patient history book for Renwick Hosptial for Infants and records the name and age of the child, date of admission, their weight, date of discharge, patient history notes and any remarks.
These records are restricted and written permission from the Benevolent Society must be obtained. At the time of application proof of ID and/or proof of relationship to the person in the records must be provided. For preservation purposes you may only be able to access a copy of the original record. Contact the State Library of New South Wales for assistance in applying for access to the collection.
The series is arranged alphabetically and there is 1 volume.