• Legislation

Infant Life Protection Act Amendment Act 1935, Queensland


This amendment with the full title “An Act to Amend “The Infant Life Protection Acts, 1905 to 1927”, in certain particulars”(Act no. 26 Geo.V. No.6) ascended and commenced on the 17th of October 1935 amends the Infant Life Protection Act 1905 (Act no.5 Edw.VII No.19). This amendment sets out regulations relating to the passing away of children from unmarried parents under the age of six, and the requirements for homes providing ‘care’ to children under six years of age to be registered as a ‘nursing home’ under the Infant Life Protection Act 1905. Financial responsibilities of the fathers of children of unmarried parents to children under the age of six and any mothers who pass away while pregnant or due to childbirth are also detailed. This amendment was repealed along with the Infant Life Protection Act 1905 in 1966 by the Children’s Services Act 1965.

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