Please contact the Family Records Unit, Department of Aboriginal Affairs:
Postal Address: PO Box 207, Mascot NSW 1460
Phone: 1800 019 998
Quote this number to access your records: State Records Authority of New South Wales Series Number, 27
These records are held by Museums of History NSW (June 1961 - current).
The Indexes to Ward Registers are volumes that index the information in the Ward Registers series. The records were created by the Board for the Protection of Aborigines. The volumes are arranged alphabetically in two columns, girls and boys, and record name and relevant entry in the Ward Registers. The second volume appears to be a rough copy of the first volume.
Due to the sensitive nature of these records access is restricted. Persons wishing to view these records must first contact the Department of Aboriginal Affairs.
A microfilm copy of these records is available, with the reference number SR Reel 1649.
The first volume also contains a list of boys resident at the Aboriginal Boys’ Training Home, Kinchela, as at 31 January 1936. The list was requested by the Board for Protection of Aborigines and gives surname, first name, age, and where the individual was transferred from.
There is also a typescript list giving the name, date admitted, age, and character of boys in the Kinchela Training Home as at 2 July 1934.
There is a typescript list for recording body measurements for clothing purposes of children at Bomaderry. This list gives the name, age, “caste” [please note that this is the language used in the records], and has columns for body measurements but these columns are unused.
Inside the cover of the first volume is a memorandum card containing personal details relating to a resident of Toomelah Aboriginal Station.
1 January 1916
31 December 1938
Alternative Names
Index to Histories of Aborigines Children