Government Receiving Home was the new name given in 1935 to the Government Receiving Depot in Mount Lawley, giving temporary accommodation to children awaiting placements with foster parents or institutions. In 1953 Government Receiving Home became the Child Welfare Reception Home.
The Government Receiving Home, Mount Lawley, continued the Government Receiving Depot from 1935. It gave temporary accommodation to children who were taken into ‘care’ as they awaited placement with foster parents or institutions. It also accommodated children who were awaiting medical or dental treatment in Perth, or who were scheduled for appearance at the Children’s Court. Private admissions were also accommodated.
Alternative Names
Mt Lawley Reception Home
Receiving Home
Receiving Depot
1935 - 1952
The Government Receiving Home was on the corner of Walcott and Lord Streets, Mount Lawley, Western Australia (Building Still standing)