• Organisation

Geraldton Group Home


Geraldton Group Home was established in 1977 as a government-run facility providing accommodation for children aged 0-17 years, including Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children who were wards of the State and those who were not wards. In 1981 it was replaced by Westview.

Government reports (Signposts 2004, pp.216-217) show that in 1977, the Department for Community Welfare (DCW) established a group home in Geraldton, on land they leased from the Aboriginal Lands Trust.

The premises were large enough to include the group home’s residential accommodation as well as having space for local community groups. In its 1977 annual report (Signposts p.217), the DCW said that the ‘Potters Club, Brownies and Guides, Adult Education, Homemakers and the Geraldton Community Forum’ all used the facility. This may have led to the Home being referred to in some government reports as the Geraldton Community Centre.

In 1981 (Signposts p.217), the group home moved to new premises, and from then on it was known as Westview.

  • From


  • To



  • 1977 - 1981

    Geraldton Group Home was located at Reserve No. 27321, Geraldton, Western Australia (Building State unknown)


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