Geraldton Boys’ Employment Hostel was a government-run hostel for (mostly) Aboriginal boys of working-age in Geraldton. It was established around 1973 and closed in 1979. The building was later used by the Aboriginal Boomerang Council Inc for the Boomerang Youth Hostel.
In government records, this hostel is sometimes referred to as an ‘Anglican hostel’. It is possible that before it became a ‘subsidised centre’ under the Child Welfare Act in 1979 (Government Gazette WA 1979/055), this hostel was previously managed by the Anglican Diocese of North West Australia, on behalf of the Department.
Alternative Names
Anglican Working Boys Hostel, Geraldton
Anglican Boys Hostel
1973? - 1979?
Geraldton Boys' Employment Hostel was situated at 97 Gregory Street, Geraldton., Western Australia (Building Still standing)