Please contact Queensland State Archives:
Postal Address: PO Box 1397, Sunnybank Hills QLD 4109
Phone: (07) 3037 6777
Quote this number to access your records: Queensland State Archives Series ID, S18795
These records are held by Queensland State Archives.
This series contains 204 items of correspondence between the Queensland State Government’s Cairns Regional Office and other government departments, private organisations, Aboriginal settlements, and individuals. This series includes three files relating to adoptions and children’s services, and three files relating to the Bush Children’s Health Scheme.
Some records in this series are open access and are available for viewing by any member of the public. However, some records in this series have restricted access for 100 years in order to protect personal privacy. To access open records, or to apply for access to restricted records, please contact Queensland State Archives.
The below records from this series have been identified as most likely to be of relevance to members of the Stolen Generations and Care Leavers.
Files relating to Adoptions:
Files relating to the Bush Children’s Health Scheme: