Please contact the Library & Archives NT:
Darwin Office:
Postal Address: GPO Box 874, Darwin NT 0801
Phone: (08) 8924 7677 or 1800 019 155
Alice Springs Office:
Postal Address: PO Box 8225, Alice Springs NT 0871
Phone: (08) 8951 566
Quote this number to access your records: Northern Territory Archives Service Series ID (NTRS), 630
These records are held by Library & Archives NT (2019 - current).
General Administration Files, Annual Single Number with “N” prefix (NTRS 630) consists of general administration files of the Department of Community Development, Community Welfare Division. Included are files relating to adoptions, family day care, emergency housing, child care programs and policy, field officers reports, and circulars.
In January 2025, access conditions were “agreement pending”. For access to these records please contact Library and Archives NT.