• Archival Collection

Forgotten Australians : Micah Pilot Oral History and Digital Story Project [sound and video recording]

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Please contact the State Library of Queensland:

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Quote this number to access your records: State Library of Queensland Reference Code, 28440

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Forgotten Australians : Micah Pilot Oral History and Digital Story Project [sound and video recording] is a pilot oral history and digital story project for Micah Projects Inc. and Lotus Place Forgotten Australians Support Service. It was achieved in collaboration with Red Thread Stories, through a Forde Foundation grant and the collection is now held at the State Library of Queensland. The project has recordings of three people’s stories, who identify as Forgotten Australians, as they describe their time in ‘care’ in Queensland and the impact it has had on their lives since leaving.

Access Conditions

Unrestricted access. The audio recordings and video are available online via the State Library of Queensland website.


The State Library of Queensland holds four digital audio recordings and one digital video recording which combine to make the 3 individual stories.

Over two interviews, Bob Cox speaks about his early life: the neglect and abuse he suffered from his step mother; his subsequent admission as a ward of the State and the violence and assault he experienced whilst in care, and how this has affected his life. He also mentions his reaction to the Apology to Forgotten Australians; the positives in his life and his work in establishing a support group in Rockhampton for other Forgotten Australians.

Over two interviews, Ruby discusses her early life: what lead to her being placed in a number of institutions; how she suffered physical and sexual assault whilst in care; and how this has affected her life including suffering a number of miscarriages, homelessness and suicide attempts.
Ruby also mentions her relationship with her sons; finding out about her Aboriginal heritage; and her hope for the future.

Shelley speaks about her early life: being placed in care and the bad situations she experienced whilst there. Shelley also shares how she has managed to turn her life around.

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